8 Non-Creepy Facts About Archangel Azrael

8 Non-Creepy Facts About Archangel Azrael

8 Non-Creepy Facts About Archangel Azrael

October. The month of witches, ghouls, goblins, monsters, and zombies – all of that scary stuff! And try as you may, during the month of October you cannot escape the iconic, dark hooded, skeleton figure holding a long handled scythe.

Is that scary, cloaked figure Archangel Azrael? Not quite. As a matter of fact, I believe that Archangel Azrael gets a bad rap: so this article is intended to set the record straight . . .


8 Non-Creepy Facts about Archangel Azrael

As a professional Angel communicator and psychic medium, I have the honor of working closely with Archangel Azrael, whom I believe is the most understood, and underutilized Archangel of all time.

When Archangel Azrael is around there is a deep sense of inexplicable love as well as a sense that everything is going to be okay.

Archangel Azrael is a beautiful angel of brilliant light and there is not 1 ounce of scariness about him. Are you ready to debunk the myths and misunderstandings surrounding this beautiful Archangel?

Here are 8 non-creepy facts about Archangel Azrael that will set the record straight:

1. Archangel Azrael is often confused with the fallen Angel Azazel, whom many traditional religious texts state that God commanded to be cast into darkness.

Archangel Azrael’s name means “He who helps the Divine”, while Azazel’s name means “scapegoat”. While Archangel Azrael is a heavenly helper, the fallen Angel Azazel is said to war against heaven.

2. Eases the fears and physical pain of dying loved ones. It’s interesting. Whenever I conduct a mediumship reading for clients, the deceased loved ones either share that the pain of their passing was either slight or nonexistent; despite what state the physical body seemed to be in at the time of their death.

I don’t know about you, but for me, this is an extreme comfort! I certainly do not want those I love to have excruciating pain nor fear when they pass.

3. Helps newly deceased loved ones to adjust to the other side. Physical laws such as those on earth do not exist on the other side. Archangel Azrael helps our loved ones to adjust to their new spiritual body as well as to their new heavenly environment.

4. Helps surviving loved ones through their grief process. Archangel Azrael knows the emotional pain of your loss and will help you move through your grieving process. All you need to do is ask for his assistance.

“Archangel Azrael, my heart is broken over the loss of my loved one/pet. Please absorb my emotional pain, and help me to move through my grief. Thank you. And so it is! Amen!”

5. Helps your loved ones to make contact with you from heaven; especially right after their passing. One of the very loving things that Archangel Azrael does for the newly deceased is to help them make contact with those they left behind. Especially right after their passing.

The sound of the front door opening, a text message from beyond, feeling like someone just sat next to you on the bed, hearing your loved one’s voice, electronic devices turning on and off by themselves – these are just a sample of the various ways your loved one’s attempt to contact you to let you know that they are okay.

6. Assists you and your loved ones in heaven to make contact with one another through your dreams. Dream visitations are beautiful ways to receive assurance that your loved ones in heaven are okay. It is a very comforting way to not only see your loved one but to also feel their touch and hear their voice.

Reference article: Dream Visitation or Regular Dream? Here’s How to Find Out . . .

7. Floods your memory with the good times you shared with your loved ones, especially when you are grieving deeply. Archangel Azrael will often bring to your mind fond memories and fun times you have shared with your loved one. Many times he will also bring about spontaneous bursts of laughter as you remember some of the funnier, lighter moments you have shared together.

8. Helps you to maintain focus and clarity in life when the grieving process leaves you feeling blocked. Archangel Azrael will point you to multiple resources to help you stay engaged in life after the parting of a loved one.

These resources come in the way of supportive friends, counselors, books, courses and classes, and various other resources intended to help you to adjust to your loss. Often times these resources seem to spontaneously show up in your life experience; a very loving gesture from Archangel Azrael indeed!


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  1. the angel Azrael came to me, I forget when or even why, but opposite of scary accounts of “him”, I felt calm & peaceful & unafraid. I have been suicidal in the past (not any more) so I think maybe I met him before & he helped me come back & that was our introduction. Thanks for confirming that there is no need to fear this angel. Blessed be.

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