How to Create Your Own Success Rituals



You are what you repeatedly do every day. So let me ask you a question. Do wake up each morning dreading your day; thinking about all the things that you must do? You know what I mean – that long list of “stuff”. When you open your eyes in the morning, are you feeling overwhelmed, full of anxiety, depressed, angry, or just plain tired?

Guess what? How you consistently start your day is a daily ritual. Everyone has daily morning rituals whether they realize it or not. But what do you think would happen if you created a morning ritual that equated to your epic success?

Ritual = a series of actions performed in a prescribed manner.

How you start your day is how you end your day – so if you want to end your day feeling like a rock star; feeling as if your day was focused and productive, and just feeling plain wonderful – you will need to change the way you approach your morning routine. The good news is that it is easier than you expect.

Morning success rituals set the mental, emotional, and spiritual tone of your day. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that your mind is most receptive the first few hours in the mornings after you wake up; which means that it is a perfect time to reprogram yourself for personal success and prosperity.

What does a morning success ritual consist of?

A morning success routine consists of elements that feed your mind, your body, and your spirit. Here is an example of the necessary components:

Water. The body and brain are 80% water. Water is also beneficial for your nervous system because it is a conductor of spiritual energy. So do yourself a favor and drink a glass of room temperature water right when you wake up in the morning.

A form of quiet time and meditation. This could consist of traditional seated mediation, to a moving meditation such as qigong, tai chi, or yoga; as well as a form of intuitive journal writing. Anything that helps get your mind into a state of peace and tranquility can fit into this category.

A form of physical exercise. If you don’t practice a full body meditation such as yoga, tai chi or qigong, consider adopting a light form daily of exercise, such as walking outside or on a treadmill, biking indoors or out, or anything that you enjoy doing. You do not have to devote many hours a day for performing a light exercise regimen. The point is to just get out there and move in order to get your blood circulating. As an added benefit, light exercise in the morning speeds up your metabolism which is said to aid in fat loss. I don’t know about you, but I definitely like that benefit!

A healthy breakfast. Your body needs nourishment from the mini-fast it received while you slept. Energize your body and mind by eating a healthy breakfast. Low fat, low carb, and high protein breakfasts are easily digested and converted to valuable energy that your body and mind need in order to function optimally throughout the day.

For an inspired idea about how to craft your own morning success ritual wanted to share with you my morning practice. Here is my morning success ritual:

Wake up and give gratitude.
A short Qigong Routine.
10 minutes of meridian stretches.
Inner work consisting of affirmations and visualizations.
Journaling my intentions for the day.

Give yourself the gift of inner balance each morning by adopting your own personal morning routine for success. Make it non-negotiable and watch how changes occur in your life in easy, epic ways!


A great resource: An audio interview with success guru Tony Robbins on his morning routine for peak performance.

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