How to Discover Your Own Intuitive Language

how to discover your own intuitive language

How to Discover Your Own Intuitive Language

Did you know you speak another language? Yup – you do! If you are looking for a way to tap into your intuitive knowingness, the best way to lessen the learning curve is to know which intuitive communication style is unique to you. I call it your “intuitive speak”, or your personal intuitive language.

The truth is that everyone has their own unique style of intuitive communication, and once you learn which is more natural to you, the easier it will be for you to receive guidance from your angels and guides.

how to discover your own intuitive language

What is Your Intuitive Communication Style?

When you learn which intuitive communication is most natural for you it is like cruising downhill on a bicycle at rapid speed. You embrace the natural pull of gravity. And likewise, when you learn which intuitive language that is most natural to you, you are able to receive clear intuitive direction in all areas of your life.

The 4 Forms of Intuitive Language

1. Clear Hearing or Clairaudience. This is the ability to hear intuitive guidance in your minds ear. Sometimes this form of communication is easy to dismiss as just your own thoughts or voice. Have you ever heard a voice inside of your head that either warned you, or perhaps told you to do a particular thing? OK – sounds like someone like this is a nutter right? But many people, perhaps even you, have had the experience of hearing a voice either internally or externally that got them out of a pinch, or helped them out in some way.

One of my favorite books is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. In the book there is a story of a man who entered his apartment after a long day of work. The man lived in an old building and when he arrived home it was already dark outside. As he reached over to flip the light switch he heard a loud voice that said “don’t turn on the lights!” Startled the man listened thinking that there was someone in the room with him. He stood still for a few minutes in order to be sure that he was alone.

Still a bit shaken by the mysterious voice he sat down on his couch for a bit, before deciding to go to bed. As he went to his bedroom he heard the same voice tell him again, “Don’t turn on the lights! This time he knew it wasn’t his imagination and that he was definitely alone; so he decided the best option at this point would be to go to sleep.

The next morning the man found out that his building suffered from a huge power surge at the moment he was going to turn on the lights in his apartment. Had he turned on the lights he would have been electrocuted.

2. Clear Seeing or Clairvoyance. This is the intuitive language made popular by Hollywood movies. It is the ability to see in your mind’s eye past and future events, as well as the ability to see Angels and other spirit beings.

As with any other intuitive language style, often times people question what they see and wonder if it was just the result of an over active imagination. Remember the little boy in the movie the Sixth Sense? At first his mother thought he was imagining things, until he was able to give her some signs that what he was seeing was very real.

In my own experience the Angels and spirit beings I first encountered as a young girl looked to me like real people. At that time I really couldn’t tell the difference if they were spirit beings or not because not only did they look solid to me, but they also talked to me very clearly. Fortunately my mother did not tell me I had an overactive imagination!

3. Clear Feeling or Clairsentience. This is the ability to feel what others are feeling at a deep level as well as sensing emotional energy in your surrounding environment. This is the main intuitive language of an empath.

Do you avoid shopping malls or other crowded places? Have you ever entered a room and felt that the energy was somehow off – perhaps the room feels cold or just plain icky – as if someone had a recent argument, or that something terrible has happened there? Have you ever felt the emotional energy of someone around you such as fear, or anxiety? If this occurs to you often chances are that you are an empath.

I help many people discover their intuitive speak, and with empaths, once they discover this is one of their major intuitive languages I often get a sigh of relief! Because more often than not they are not aware that they are picking up other people’s emotions and think that what they are feeling is actually originating from them. This can becomes quite confusing especially if you are a genuinely happy person and suddenly begin to feel a deep sense of dread or another negative feeling that you normally don’t associate with.

Once I teach these people to discern whether or not it’s their feelings or someone else’s, I see them sigh with relief! They did not realize that they were intuitively drinking in the emotions of others and learning to shut it off enables them to function in social situations and feel like a ‘normal’ person again.

4. Clear Knowing or Claircognizance. This is the intuitive language that just “knows”. Have you ever just known something to be true – without knowing why – you just know that it is so? Perhaps you receive spiritual downloads of information about a person or subject. If so you may be speaking the intuitive language of claircognizance.

Wisdom is available to everyone at all times, but for the person whose main intuitive language is that of clear knowing, you are able to receive “hits” of insight on people, places, and things in an easy and effortless ways. I find that people who speak this intuitive language generally are those who enjoy learning, teaching and writing.

A question I am frequently asked is this – can you speak more than one intuitive language? My answer is of course “yes”! Most of us have at least one to two primary forms of intuitive speak that is natural us; but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn and experiment with the other forms of intuitive language as well.

My first intuitive speak was in the form of hearing and seeing, and throughout the years I realized that I was also very empathic. And although everyone’s intuitive language is different, each of us has the natural innate ability to receive intuitive guidance.

Are you ready to discover what your primary intuitive language is? Take the quiz below to find out . . .

Quiz: What’s Your Primary Intuitive Language?

To discover your primary intuitive language, consider the following scenarios and then select the best answer that is unique to you (choose only one response for each):

When you initially meet someone new, what’s the first thing you tend to notice about the person?
a. The way the person looks, such as clothing, hair, teeth, shoes, or general attractiveness
b. How you feel around the person, such as being comfortable, amused, safe, and so on
c. Whether you find the person interesting, or believe this may be someone who can help you out in your career
d. The sound of the person’s voice or laughter

Think back on a vacation you took. What stands out most in your memory?
a. The beautiful sights of nature, the architecture, or something that you witnessed
b. The peaceful, romantic, restful, or exhilarating feelings associated with the trip
c. The important and interesting cultural and/or historical information that you learned while traveling
d. The sweet silence, the crashing surf, the chirping birds, the rustling leaves, music, or some other sound

Recall a movie that you truly enjoyed. When you think of that film, what comes to mind first?
a. The attractive actors and actresses, the lighting, the costumes, or the scenery
b. The way the movie made you laugh, cry, or moved you in some other regard
c. The interesting plot, or the life lessons that you or the movie’s characters learned during the story
d. The musical score or the sound of the actors’ and actresses’ voices

Next notice your answers your answers to the above questions. If you answered two or three questions with the same letter, this signifies your primary intuitive language, which is the main way in which you receive and process intuitive information.

Answer Key: Mostly “a” = the language of clear seeing; mostly “b’ = the language of clear feeling; mostly “c” = the language of clear knowing; mostly “d”= the language of clear hearing.

[Quiz Source:]


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