Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks

protect yourself from psychic attacks

Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks

Are you a victim of psychic attack? If out of the blue you feel depressed, anxious, or angry you need to learn to protect yourself from psychic attacks. Other potential signs of psychic attack is lost faith in yourself and your talents as well as the inability to let go of a person or a situation.

Protect yourself from psychic attacks and learn how to re-claim your life with the following life affirming actions.

protect yourself from psychic attacks

What is a Psychic Attack?

A psychic attack is negative thought based energy that someone sends with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon you – your life, or your family. This harm is aimed toward your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well being. These negative energies are typically projected in the form of thought, based on jealousy, envy, and anger.

Psychic attacks can originate by someone in your everyday surroundings that you already know, including your friends or family members, although 99% of the time is not always intentional.

Negative thought forms can be sent consciously or unconsciously. When they are sent unconsciously, the person sending the thoughts may be doing so without their own awareness, and jealousy, envy, or anger is often the motivation.

Conscious attacks are deliberately sent by someone who means to harm you. Most often these attacks are sent via black magic, witchcraft, and spell casting. The good news is that these energies can be quickly neutralized and sent back to the originator, resulting in their own karmic backlash.

Are You Under a Psychic Attack – How to Tell

Here are some examples of what may be experienced while under a psychic attack:

  • Nightmares: Dreaming very frightening and unpleasant dreams
  • Attacker front and center: Seeing the attacker in a devilish way, either in dreams, meditations, or thoughts
  • Unexplained fatigue: Feeling tired and depleted of energy constantly and for no reason
  • Physical Pain: Having aches in the same place and time on a regular basis
  • Having weakness: Experiencing illness or pains in areas of weakness that the attacker is already aware of
  • Sudden onset of lethargy: Lack of concentration and feelings of laziness when it comes to completing daily tasks
  • Severe headaches: Having unusually painful and even severe headaches accompanied by vomiting or dizziness
  • Confusion and doubt: Questioning or doubting direction in life, even after having been aware of direction beforehand
  • Feeling suicidal: Having feelings similar to a heart attack or the sudden desire to commit suicide

10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks

“The key to psychic self-defense is to be scrupulous about releasing toxic thoughts, habits, energy, emotion and thoughts by redirecting your attention to the positives in your life and keeping maintaining healthy routines. Psychic attack works by getting into the “cracks” in your life, sense of self and routine.” ~ Laura Day

Learning to protect yourself from psychic attacks is important, especially when it is affecting your daily life. Here are ten ways to protect yourself from psychic attacks from the book, How to Rule the World from Your Couch, by author and psychic intuitive, Laura Day:

1. Call on your guides, friends and healers. There is power in numbers. Ask them to include you daily in their prayers, meditations and healings.

2. Redirect your thoughts. One of the symptoms of psychic attack is that your thoughts are drawn to the vulnerable in yourself. When you have toxic thoughts or dwell or even obsess about someone or something, consciously redirect your thoughts to something or someone constructive. At first you may need to do this hundreds of times a day! Make a list of positive goals in your life and choose from this list whenever you have a painful or self-loathing thought.

3. Take a sea salt bath with 4 white candles (representing your stability) while imaging light and grace filling your body and life with every breath you take.

4. Focus on what is right in your life. Psychic attack works by engaging you in your own darkness. Spend time in the “sunny rooms” of your life.

5. When you are vulnerable stay away from situations and people who have an undermining effect on your life and self worth. Often, unfortunately, we are related to these people! Limit the time you spend in contact with anyone who is not 100 percent on your team.

6. Avoid rumination and projection. Be mindful and in the moment. Your power is not in the past or in the future it is in the moment.

7. Create holy water. Studies of water (Dr. Emoto and others) have shown that if you hold water while experiencing a positive feeling that water is transformed in a way that creates health/blessings. Before you eat or drink send healing images and loving energy to whatever goes into you. It is your own magic potion. You can ask others to bless your food/drink for you. This is the hidden power of saying grace over food. I always have a case of water that I ask people to bless and I share with neighbors to drink, put on injuries, dying plants, and so on.

8. Create sacred spaces. Smudge your bed and put some talisman, crystals or other symbols of protection around you. Create an alter. Make sure that your living environment is a clean, blessed and sacred as you can make it. Allow your home to be your temple.

9. Maintain healthy habits and routines. Psychic attack works by challenging your balance. Use discipline to maintain good food, sleep, exercise and interpersonal habits and healthy self-talk.

10. Do not retaliate. When someone attacks they are leaving their own life exposed. Energy is limitless but attention is not. If you are using your attention to harm or manipulate someone that is attention that is directed away from building the successful healthy life you deserve.


Archangel Michael Protective Holy Water

Spiritual Cleansing; Removing Negative Energy

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