Why is it Hard to Trust Your Intuition

trust your intuition

Why is it Hard to Trust Your Intuition?

Your intuition can be compared to your own personal life GPS, so learning to trust your intuition can be your best ally for living the life of your dreams, as well as navigating through challenging times in your life.

trust your intuition

Everyone is Intuitive

Everyone is intuitive. Its a quality that you are born with and is not a superpower bestowed upon a handful of lucky people.

Your intuition is an inner soul quality. The word itself means “to look or consider within”. And the truth is that everyone has access to intuitive guidance.

Your intuition is at work every minute of every day and learning to pay attention to what is presenting itself to you will allow you to move through life with more and more joy and less stress!

Why is it so hard to trust my intuitive guidance?

Many times people tell me that they only use their intuitive guidance with the big things in life, but then wonder why they sometimes refuse to act on the guidance they are receiving.

Why is this? The reason that so many people do not trust the ‘still small voice within’ is because they fear they will make a wrong decision.

Learning to trust your intuition for some takes a bit of practice. And this means you need to start small in order to develop faith and trust in the inner guidance you are receiving.

When you practice with small, ordinary things in your daily life it makes trusting your gut with the bigger challenges of life that much easier.

Consistent practice boosts your confidence as well as strengthens your connection with how your inner ally communicates with you.

Learning to Trust Your Intuition

Learning to trust your intuition means that you need to learn to quiet your mind. It also means that you need to learn to tune into and listen to the messages being presented to you.

Meditation and journaling are two of the fastest and most effective ways to do this.


Meditating quiets your mind allowing you to tune into your Higher Self. It enables you to shut out all outside influences by quieting mental chatter and tuning inwards.

A meditation doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, but it does have to be consistent. Something as simple as going for a nature walk, a quiet drive in the country, or sailing can put you in a peaceful, relaxed state of mind.


Journaling is another powerful and marvelous way to quiet your mind and tune inwards.

The act of journaling is an act of self-reflection. It causes you to listen to, and to pay attention to how you are feeling.

Journaling also allows you to tap into the guidance from your Higher Mind. Studies have shown that journaling is a route to healing — emotionally, physically, and psychologically.

More importantly it helps you to navigate through your stream of consciousness which allows you to get back in touch with and listen to what is trying to flow forth onto the page.

Link to a great read: 10 Surprising Benefits You’ll Get From Keeping a Journal

While learning to trust your intuition takes a little bit of focused effort, the confidence and trust you will receive is well worth it.

And the knowledge that this confidence brings is that your intuition is on your side 110% of the time!

Life and living becomes one of “flow” and the decisions you need to make are well informed and timely . . . and much easier to trust.


Intuition; How to Trust Your Gut

How to Spot an Intuitive Moment

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