Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

Are you experiencing symptoms of a psychic attack? This blog post will share with you the 3 common symptoms of a psychic attack and what you can do to protect yourself …

Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

[Video Transcript]

Hi, welcome to this edition is psychic tips tricks and how-to’s where it’s all about helping you unlock your psychic potential.

The topic of today’s vlogcast comes from Nancy Staten in San Diego, California. And Nancy asks about psychic attacks. “What are the symptoms of a psychic attack? And how do I know if I’m having one?”

My name is Dar Payment and I’m a professional psychic medium and channel, who is passionate about sharing with you how to accelerate your psychic abilities.

So, if like Nancy, you’ve ever wondered if you’re under a psychic attack and what you can do about it… you’re not alone.

I’ve been there myself, sometimes having those negative intrusive thoughts that come out of nowhere that you just can’t let go, or you feel so tired or drained, or just quite spacey and nothing you do – you know that Red Bull does not give you wings – just doesn’t cut it!

Let’s take a look at exactly what a psychic attack is because there’s a lot of information out there on this topic that doesn’t adequately describe its true nature.

What is a Psychic Attack?

What really is a psychic attack? A psychic attack occurs when your auric bubble or your energy field becomes negatively affected by dissident energy. That means dirty energy; and this energy can result from energies around a stressful situation, energies around a stressful relationship, or could be from energies from an environment that you find yourself in day-by day.

Sometimes the energy of a psychic attack can also be introduced purposely from someone who means you harm, but that will not be the focus of today’s discussion. And if the energy was indeed purposely introduced, the techniques I share with you will still be of benefit.

What happens is when a psychic attack occurs, the bio-energy container which is the physical body, is exposed to intense negative energy over a long period of time.

If you’re in a space where there’s a lot of fighting all the time, or perhaps even in a space at work where something horrible happened, like perhaps there was a really huge fight and someone either got hurt or killed, these energies can affect you on a deep energetic level. Especially if you’re an empath.

But what then happens? It makes you feel drained. It’s a draining energy.

And one really good way of explaining this is by the principles of the Laws of Resonance in quantum physics. There is a documented experiment that is easily describes how the Law of Resonance works. What the researches did was put two perfectly tuned guitars in opposite corners of the room.

What the researchers did next is pluck the string in the key of E on one of the guitars. What occurred is that the guitar string in the key of E on the guitar in the opposite corner of the room also vibrated. I love this example of resonance because it’s so easy to replicate and to understand.

Quite literally what happens if your energy container, or your bio-energy is resonating low level energies your energy will “entrain” to that low energy much quicker than somebody who keeps their bio-energy resonance vibrating a place of love and above.

But that’s what psychic attack is – a negative energetic intrusion in your bio-energetic body. And if you’re not aware that this is occurring and it continues to occur over and over, and then you’re going to feel the negative effects of that exposure.

It’s kind of like being exposed to radiation. If you’re in a field of radiation and you don’t know it, the symptoms are going to come upon you slowly. And then when it takes a hold of the vibrations of your physical body, it’s going to cascade your energy downwards manifesting into illness.

3 Common Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

What then are the symptoms of a psychic attack? Let me share with you three common symptoms of a psychic attack. Not everyone may have these symptoms, but I want to share with you the most common from my experience.

Lack of Energy

It’s the most common which is feeling completely drained. You just have no energy. You lack enthusiasm. You feel tired all the time. Your head feels like it is in a fog.

Of course, tiredness can be because you didn’t sleep right? But more often than not it has more to do with a person being in an energetic environment that no longer serves them.

Intrusive Negative Thoughts

The other thing is having intrusive negative thoughts. I had a friend that came to me and she said, “You know, I don’t get it, don’t understand it. I go to work and I just have these really horrible negative thoughts about hurting one of my co-workers and I’m not that way at all! Is something wrong with me?

And what we found out was that she was working in a toxic workplace. Toxic workplaces are full of negative energy. What I shared with was this, “You know this could be about a psychic attack. Let me share with you some ways that you can psychically protect yourself to make this go away.”

I then shared with her a few techniques – which I’ll share with you in a minute – to help her do just that. And then I gave her what is called an etheric energy cleanse.

And she said, the day after the energy cleanse when she went to the office and did what I shared with her to do (to keep her bio-energy shielded), she said, I felt like a new person.

And she said, “It was the weirdest thing. This co-worker that I wanted to harm before actually was nice to me and we had a really wonderful day together. We ended up talking, and she shared with me, she’s leaving and going to another company, and she gave me some information if I wanted to join her.”

So that’s what happens you guys once you change your resonance or vibratory offering. When you vibrate at a higher rate, the things around you will vibrate upwards too.

Unexplained Aches and Pains in the Physical Body

The third thing is having body aches or headaches, and just feeling sick, without any medical reason. You go to the doctor and they find nothing.

This is one of the signals of clogged energy in the bio-energetic body. Headaches and body aches obviously can be brought on by many things, and more often than not by stress.

There are a lot of ways that you can actually protect yourself from feeling so stressed out and not being able to handle these things, because the truth of the matter is that you do have the ability and the power to keep your bio-energetic reservoir, your energy body, your aura, whatever you want to call it, alive in humming!

How to Protect Yourself from a Psychic Attack?

So how do we do this? How can you protect yourself from a psychic attack?

The number one thing, and we hear this all the time, is to sage or smudge your area. Yes, that means getting some stinky smoke from sage and distributing it around your environment, but smoke is not always conducive in a workplace.

The other thing you can do is use essential oils and place a few drops on a cotton ball and put them around in your energy space. Or you can get a Ziploc baggy, put a cotton ball inside with one or two drops of the essential oil of your choice, where you can basically open the bag and take a huge whiff as needed.

You can also use an aroma therapy diffuser as well.

Here are a few other things you can do:

The first thing that I would suggest is to learn to shield your energy body. Shielding your energy is super simple. All you do is imagine yourself engulfed in a huge, brilliant bubble of bright light.

I generally use a brilliant bubble of white light, but you can use whatever color you want. Whatever you feel works best for you.

The second thing is whenever you’re feeling tired and down and confused and negative, is take a look at what’s good in that situation and ask yourself that same question. What’s good about this situation? That’s something I learned from one of my mentors, Tony Robbins.

And if the thought comes back, “nothing”, then you ask the second question. If I did know what was good about this, what would that be?

Just simply turning in re-framing the situation and finding some good will really help you up your energy vibration and lessen whatever stress you’re feeling at that time and place.

The third thing is initiating a Loving Kindness Practice. This is something else that I do on a daily basis. What I essentially do, if I find myself in a position where I come across somebody whose energy is less than helpful, perhaps they’re tired, maybe my partner is grumpy that day, etc. is to ask myself the question, “What else can this mean?”

Like I just said the other person could be grumpy and tired. Or, I could be tired. And when I reflect on this, I just tell Infinite Love thank you for sharing that with me. And then I send love and light to myself and to the other individual.

The fourth thing you can do, that I do often as well, is to just have a little chat with your spiritual team. “Hey man! What’s going on here? Give me some insight here!”

And immediately without a pause, they share with me what I need to know.

And then finally, the fifth thing you can do is to make sure that you keep your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental hygiene humming. That means having a regular practice of self-care, cleaning of your mind, cleaning of your body, cleaning of your spirit, and obviously physical cleanliness is really important, exercising and moving the energy out of your body is important, hydrating, and drinking your water.

But what’s really important is your spiritual hygiene, which includes meditation and journaling, channeled writing, and spending some time with your spiritual team in whatever way that’s comfortable for you.

Those are the symptoms of a psychic attack, and I have shared with you some really simple tips that you can use to stave off any type of negative energy coming your way.

So, there you go, Nancy, in San Diego! The symptoms of a psychic attack and how you can prevent it, or if you’re in the midst of one, how to turn it around!  

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Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks

How to Deflect a Psychic Attack

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