How to Activate Your Intuition

activate your intuition

Are you interested in learning how to activate your intuition? Do you want more direction in life? If so, look no further than your own inborn intuitive abilities. The truth is, everybody has psychic abilities. And you don’t have to spend hours in a psychic development circle to be able to access and use these abilities.

Activate your Intuition

What is Intuition Anyway?

So, what exactly is intuition anyway? Your intuition is your ability to tap into the hidden knowledge which in turn provides you with amazing clarity, insight, and direction.

Remember the last time you had an “AHA!” moment? That was your intuition at work.

In the psychic world we call this greater knowing the Clair sisters – which are clairvoyance or clear seeing, clairaudience which is clear hearing, clairsentience which is clear feeling, and claircognizance which is clear knowing.

The Pineal Gland

Here is another aha moment for you. Modern studies on the brain and psychic phenomenon have shown that the pineal gland, when stimulated aligns the psychic centers.

The pineal gland, which is located in the mid-line of the brain, is often called the “third eye,” as well as the seat of the soul, for many reasons, ranging from its location deep in the center of the brain and also to its connection to light.

I find the term third eye interesting primarily because when dissected, the pineal gland has been shown to contain both rod and cone photo-receptor cells similar to the rod and cone photo-receptor cells in the retinas of our eyes. How cool is that right?

Learning to stimulate your pineal gland is a short cut to activating your intuition. And activating your intuition provides you with powerful support for your spiritual awakening as well.

Three Methods to Activate Your Intuition

I was blessed to have mentors in my early psychic development who were forerunners in psychic research and brainwave technology. Both of my mentors, Mr. and Mrs. Harriett were friends and students of Jose Silva, the pioneer of the Silva Mind Control Method.

The following three techniques are very effective, and have been scientifically proven and tested.

3rd Eye Tapping.  The first is 3rd eye tapping. I learned this first technique when I was 14 years old and had a very unusual mystical experience. It was the first Saturday in July and I was looking forward to the upcoming July 4th celebration.

It was an extremely hot, summers day, and Mr. Harriett had our psychic development group sitting on the floor of his living room. All the windows were open and the sound of two large fans droned on in the background as Mr. Harriett lead us through the 3rd eye tapping exercise, having us sit for a short silent meditation immediately afterwards.

As I sat with my eyes closed, I began to feel a warm tingling sensation between my eyes followed by colorful flashes of light. This went on for a few minutes when suddenly I felt a strange whooshing sensation in which I found myself outside of my body, watching myself still sitting in meditation with my eyes closed.

Startled I opened my eyes and felt a dizzying pulling sensation as if I somehow snapped back into my body.

To perform 3rd eye tapping: close your eyes, and with your index and middle fingers begin to tap at the point between your two eyes. Your pressure should be firm, but gentle. Tap for about 30 to 60 seconds breathing deeply by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

After 30 to 60 seconds, keep your eyes closed and sit quietly for about 10 minutes.

You may have to practice this a few times during the day but you know you did the procedure correctly when the space between your eyes has a pleasant tingling sensation.

963 HZ Vibrational Tones. 963 Hz vibrational tones are often referred to as the Frequency of the Gods, and its frequency has shown to activate the pineal gland.

It is the frequency of divine connection, and meditating while listening to 963 Hz that can aid in the establishment of a more intimate relationship with the divine.

This vibrational tone also boosts your sense of clarity and raises you’re the vibration of your energy body, so repeated listening is extremely useful.

You can find many great videos on YouTube with this vibrational frequency that you can use during meditation practice.

My favorite way to listen is lying still on the floor with a small quartz crystal wrapped in copper foil resting on my third eye. Using the quartz crystal in this manner is also an effective way to decalcify your pineal gland.

And with this method, expect a really tingly buzzing sensation in your third eye afterwards!

Yin-Tang Stimulation. Yin-Tang is the name of an acupressure point just between the eyes. Its name means Hall of Impressions. Appropriate name, right?

This point activates your ‘Third Eye’ or what is also commonly known as the 6th Chakra. The 6th Chakra is the Center of Intuition, and spiritual vision.

When this point is stimulated it activates your intuition, calms anxiety and worry, calms the spirit, and brings a profound feeling of presence.

Janice is a regular attendee of our online channeling circle. Shortly after learning this technique, she shared the following story about how this technique helped her and her colleagues during the January 6th, 2021 storming of the Capitol Building:

I was with two colleagues in the basement sorting out old bankers’ boxes of office files when we received news of the building being attacked. The power in the building then went out leaving us in complete darkness. We made our way to the stairwell and just as we approached the first floor, we began to hear sirens, people yelling, screaming, and even worse … gun shots.

Frightened to the core we made our way back downstairs and hid ourselves in the back of a supply room.

I remembered the Yin-Tang stimulation technique you taught us and shared it with my colleagues. Immediately after applying the technique, I felt a deep sense of calmness, and had a knowing that we would be safe.

To stimulate this point gently press with your forefinger and middle finger directly, holding the pressure for 30 seconds or until you are inspired to take a deep cleansing breath.

Activating your intuition is very empowering, so practice with these 3 techniques and let me know in the comments which one resonates best with you.


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