Balanced Living; 5 Necessities for Living a Balanced Life


Balanced Living: 5 Necessities for Living a Successful Life

Why is the balance of mind, body, and spirit so important? Balanced living; or the balance of mind, body and spirit can best be illustrated by the following story metaphor.

Years ago when rechargeable batteries first became popular – and I’m probably dating myself – I had a Sony Walkman. This was in the early 1980’s when tape cassettes were the norm instead of today’s podcasts and mp3s, but regardless, I loved my Sony Walkman.

I used it all the time and was going through a lot of batteries as a result. So one day I decided that I would purchase some rechargeable batteries. These batteries worked really, really, well and saved me tons of pocket cash which was quite scarce at that period of time in my life.

As I started getting more involved in my career, I had less and less ‘me time’, which meant that I began to use my Walkman less and less. And here is what I found.

When the rechargeable batteries weren’t used on a regular basis and recharged, the cells would tend to go bad very quickly. And I would always know when these rechargeable batteries weren’t used on a regular basis because the equipment I used them with would start to operate improperly.

The same thing goes with recharging YOU; in particular with recharging your mind, body and spirit. If you do not recharge yourself on a regular basis, your equipment will begin to fail.

The equipment I’m talking about is your energy level. It’s your spiritual wisdom and understanding. It’s your mental acuity. When they are not recharged on a regular basis these things begin to fail and fizzle out.

So if you’re looking for ways to recharge and revitalize your mind, body and spirit, then this article will be extremely beneficial for you.

Who will benefit from this total mind/body rejuvenation? That’s really a no-brainer because basically everyone from moms to corporate moguls will benefit from balanced living by allowing themselves some daily, regular scheduled time to relax and rejuvenate. If you want to be more creative, more focused and more energized, then you need to take time away for you.

So how do you do this? The following are 5 necessities of successful, balanced living:

Get away from all the noise at a certain periods of time every single day.

What do I mean by noise? Noise is all the mental, emotional, and environmental chatter that’s going on around you at various times during your day. Noise can be the television. Noise can be the environment that you’re in. Noise can be the people that you’re with. Noise can be your computer. Basically noise is any type of chatter that affects your mind, your body and your spirit. It gets in your way of being in a relaxed and blissful state.

How then can you get away from all this chatter? What I’m suggesting goes far beyond just traditional sitting meditation. While traditional sitting meditation is great, the best way for you to get away from the daily static and noise is to get out and do something physical.

It doesn’t really matter whether you schedule 10 minutes per day or an hour, the point is to get up and move, and to do it on a consistent basis. And there are many things you can do that fit into this category. One of the things I really loved to do, especially when I was working in a corporate office environment, was to go for regular walks. Each morning I would have my morning power walk and get away for about 10 minutes. Later in the afternoon, I would go out and have another 10 minute walk.

These walks helped take away some of the stress and mental and emotional steam that was building up during my work day. They allowed me to get away from the static in my work environment in order to allow myself to catch up on me.

Some other get up and move ideas are short bouts of Qigong or yoga, light stretching, breathing meditation, practicing your golf swing, or pretty much whatever get up and go activities that interest you. The key is to choose activities that allow you to move, expend some energy, and then to recharge.

Hydrate yourself on a regular basis.

This means that you need to drink water, and to make sure you’re drinking lots of it. Your body is comprised of almost 80 percent of water. Water is really important on the mind, body, spirit level for many reasons.

First of all, physically, it flushes all of the toxins out of your body. Second, it benefits your nervous system. Remember your body is like an electrical power plant, generating energetic impulses throughout your nervous system, and the water you drink is the conductor of that energy.

Also, when your nervous system and your body are hydrated, and humming efficiently you are able to communicate with your Angels and Guides quite easily. This is good news, especially if you are interested in developing and deepening your intuitive communications skills.

When you drink a lot of water, you not only become energized and refreshed, but also creatively clear. So do yourself a favor and drink tons of water and do it every day.

Here’s a great tip to increase your water intake – make flavored waters. I have a large plastic cup that looks like a Mason jar, except that it came with a lid and a straw. Throughout the day I add frozen lemon wedges, and sometimes frozen strawberries, and then fill it with water. The fruit is frozen, so it acts like ice and keeps my water cool. I carry my water jug with me throughout the day which encourages me to take in a fair share of water. The water tastes fabulous too!

Eat nourishing foods.

Eat light foods that energize you. How many times have you felt just blah because you ate some sort of heavy, greasy food especially for breakfast in the morning? Then the rest of the day you just feel yucky. The remedy is to eat light foods that are easy on your digestion. A better plan of action is to at those foods that are low carb, low fat and that have high nutritional value.

Now in order to do that, you need to figure out what types of foods are best for your metabolism because everyone is different. So my suggestion is to eat closer to the earth. What do I mean? Eat natural, organic foods as much as possible, and steer clear from junk foods that are fried and processed.

Have a healthy diet of positive thoughts.

Basically what I’m trying to say here is to mind your mind. Pay attention to those things that you’re bringing into your environment. What are you watching? What are you reading? Make sure that your mind, is filled positive things that uplift you, and push you forward and higher in life, building you up instead of tearing you down.

If any of the TV shows you are watching, the things you’re reading, or the things you’re listening to don’t fit into this category then you need to cut them out of your life because they may become a huge drain on your overall energy system.

Allow yourself to have enough rest every single evening.

Research has shown that seven hours of uninterrupted sleep is the magic number. So try to allow yourself a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night. Seven hours of sleep will not only help you to recharge and revitalize, but it will allow you to wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to tackle your day with gusto.

Now listen, spiritual, mental and physical rejuvenation is necessary for balanced living. So do your best to fight against taking time out for you. Because the benefits of balanced living outweigh the negatives in terms of revved up mental clarity and supercharged energy.

If you want to really be successful and to carve out the life of your dreams, then you need to carve out some daily time for you. Use these daily strategies on a regular basis. Get out there, move, drink your water, respect your body, eat nourishing meals, have a healthy mental diet, and allow yourself plenty of rest. You deserve it.


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