Healing From the Loss of a Pet


Healing From the Loss of a Pet with Archangel Azrael

Healing from the loss of a pet can be a heart wrenching experience. For many people, perhaps even you, a pet is more than a mere animal; but a member of the family. And for a growing number of people, a pet can also be a substitute for a child.

And for everyone who loves their pets, when a pet transitions the emotional wound the loss creates pierces your heart to the core. The truth is that the loss of a family member regardless of how many paws or claws . . . hurts.

So what are some of the things you can do to help soften the pain over the loss of your pet?

Last week I lost my beloved cat of 15 years. And although as a psychic medium I am still able to “see”, “hear”, and to talk to him, I still mourn his loss. But fortunately, I know I am not alone in the pain of my loss.

Because true to his loving nature, Archangel Azrael is by my side helping me to process and move through my grief. And if you have lost a pet and are mourning their passing, I want you to know that you are not alone in your grief either.

My intention for this article is to not only remind you that you are never alone when your beloved pet passes, but to also give you some comforting tips on how to honor your pets memory, share with you a short pet transitioning ritual along with a free audio meditation with Archangel Azrael, as well as provide you with some channeled whispers from Archangel Azrael himself to help you move through the myriad of emotions associated with the loss of your furry, feathery, cuddly, or leathery friend.

Who is Archangel Azrael?

Archangel Azrael is often referred to as the Angel of Death. But contrary to the scary Hollywood portrayal of the Angel of Death with a long flowing black cloak, and bony skeleton hands clutching a scythe, the Grim Reaper is not grim at all.

So, what does Archangel Azrael actually look like? Archangel Azrael is a beautiful angelic being of Divine Light and his presence exudes an unexplainable feeling of deep peace and liquid love.

I once asked Archangel Azrael about the misperception people have about him as a scary Halloween creature and he laughed.

“Mankind has been conditioned to see me in terms of a finite end, but I like to think of myself as one who ushers in New Beginnings.”

Archangel Azrael helps you process your grief over the loss of a loved one, and is also the Archangel who helps heal your broken heart.

Channeled Whisper from Archangel Azrael on Healing From the Loss of a Pet

The day I realized it was time to make the “decision” about my cat T-Bone I was overcome with emotion. He was a very loving cat who always enjoyed laying by his Mommy whenever he had the opportunity (yes I am a pet Momma), and although he was weak and sick, he still chose to lay by my side.

As I looked at him I felt a surge of guilt rise up with in me, and I began to cry. I called out to Archangel Azrael for comfort and this is what he shared with me . . .

“You have a unique perspective over death and dying as a psychic medium. Remember – there is no death; only a transition of the spirit body. You know its T-Bone’s time to return to his essence. And indeed he has been telling you this for the last few weeks but your emotions have clouded your ability to hear the truth.”

Too true. I didn’t want to “hear”. I watched numb as my once strong cat became weaker and weaker as his illness ravaged his body finally making it difficult for him to eat. I tried every food I could think of to stimulate his appetite.
But on this particular day I realized the truth of the matter, and the truth hurt. I then began to sob uncontrollably.

“Go to the bathroom mirror,” Archangel Azrael said gently.

I got up from where I sat and made my way to the bathroom mirror, staring at my tear streaked face.

“What do you see?” he asked.

“Tears of sadness,” I answered.

“You feel sadness and guilt, but T-Bone feels none of this. He knows only love.

Pets do not hold grievances over your decisions regarding their care. Too many times humans look at their pets through the eyes of human ego, projecting their own human feelings as if it was their pets. However pets do not feel anger, or bitterness, nor guilt towards you. It is not their innate nature to do so. They only look at their experience with you through the eyes of love.

Before pets incarnate in the physical plane of existence they are aware that they may experience some tremendous physical hardships. But they endure because their purpose is to assist mankind with their spiritual evolution.

Domestic animals incarnate with a different life “contract” than wild animals. With domestic animals – or pets; they incarnate to express God’s unconditional love. Look deeply into the eyes of your beloved pets and you can see evidence of their boundless love for you.

Your pets are here to help make your life easier. They are your companions, confidants, playmates, and even snuggle buddies like your T-Bone. They are your protectors, your comforters, and your personal court jesters; causing you to smile and laugh at their antics.

What is important in healing your broken heart over your loss is to move through your emotional pain in a way that is natural for you. And what helps to lighten this emotional pain is to process your loss by honoring your pet’s life.”

3 Ways to Honor Your Pet

Honoring your pet’s life can be a very empowering experience. The fond memories of the happy times you spent together helps you to focus on the love you shared instead of the pain of your loss.

Here are three easy ways you can begin to honor and remember the good times you shared with your pet:

1. Write a letter to your pet. This is one of my favorite ways to honor my furry babies who crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Get out some paper and right a personal letter to your pet. Here are a few phrases to get you started:

Thank you for . . .
I remember when . . .
You made me laugh when you . . .
I loved the way you . . .
I really enjoyed the time when we . . .

Writing a personal letter to your pet is an uplifting, healing experience and is emotionally therapeutic.

2. Create a photo collage, montage, or photobook of your pet. Gather as many picture of your pet as you would like, and create a photo memorial of your pet. This is a beautiful way to honor the life of your pet. Photographs instantly remind you of the happy times when you and your pet were engaged in life and living. And today it is easier than ever to create photo collages and photobooks; whether you create them yourself or use online photo services or photo kiosks such as those from Costco, Walmart, Kodak, Snapfish, and so on. You can do many creative things with photographs. Your imagination is your only limit. Here is a great example of a photo box collage to get your creative love on: http://bradleysartandframe.com/?page_id=12

3. Create a small memorial altar. A memorial altar can be something as simple as a prayer candle with a photo of your pet, to something elaborate such as a Mexican ofrenda; an altar used to celebrate Dia De Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. ‘Ofrenda’ means offering, and you do not need to wait until November 1st to create one in honor of your pet.

Here are some suggestions for making a small memorial altar for your pet:

• Make sure you select a place for your altar that is out of reach from small children and other pets.
• Use small tea light, jar, or votive candles.
• Put your pet’s favorite toy on the altar.
• Place your pet’s collar and/or name tags somewhere on the altar.
• Include a few of your pets favorite treats.
• Place various pictures on your altar. Pics of your pet as well as photos of your pet with other members of the family.
• Include some fresh cut flowers.
• If you had your pet cremated place his or her urn somewhere on the altar.
• Scatter some gemstones around the altar such as clear quartz crystal, or rose quartz crystals.
• Include spiritual icons associated with your faith such as the Buddha, Mother Mary, Angels, etc.

Get creative with your display. Your altar is a reminder of the happy times you and your pets spent together so make it as bright and as fun as you can.

Pet Transitioning Meditation; Your Chance to Say “Thank You!”

If you would like to say “thank you” to your pet, and would like to even perhaps spend one last bit of quality time together, the FREE audio mp3 download will enable you to do so with Archangel Azrael’s help. You can download it here: Healing From the Loss of a Pet with Archangel Azrael

Healing from the loss of a pet is not always an easy process; especially when their loving presence is swept away from your life, leaving a gaping hole in both your home and in your heart. And although it is impossible to just ‘get over it’ and move on, it is possible to honor the love your pet has shared with you, and to give yourself the time and space that you need to heal.

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