Energetic Space Clearing

energetic space clearing

Energetic Space Clearing; 5 Ways to Energetically Clear Your Home

Energetic space clearing is essential to your physical, mental, and spiritual well being. Clear your home, office, with these five easy tips.

energetic space clearing

Why It’s Important to Energetically Clear Your Space

Just as dust and dirt can accumulate in your physical environment, so can stagnant energy debris. And just like the importance of good housekeeping to keep your home or office free from dirt and grime, it is also important to rid your house of negative and stagnant energy.

Energy debris buildup is the result of accumulated negative emotions, thoughts, events, or stress or worry, which has been experienced a physical space, such as your home or office.

Stagnant energy debris can be absorbed in your physical environment and is strongest after an emotional occurrence or event that has transpired. Your physical environment is similar to a sponge, and whatever circumstances, or events that has transpired there can be absorbed into your carpets, furniture, walls, ceilings, and other objects.

Left unchecked, the stagnant energy can also affect your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. This can contribute to stress, insomnia, depression, and lack of creativity; which means that energetic space clearing is just as important as physical space cleansing.

When to Perform an Energetic Space Clearing

Energetic space clearing should be performed on a regular basis just like your conventional housekeeping. However there are times when such in energetic clearing is of prime importance.

Times to immediately perform an energetic space clearing:

• After a death
• After an illness
• When moving into a new space
• After a divorce or breakup
• After entertaining houseguests
• After a heated argument
• After a traumatic event
• After experiencing deep fear, stress, or worry
• When experiencing poltergeist activity

How to Perform an Energetic Space Clearing

There are numerous ways to clear the stagnant energy debris from your space. And many of these techniques have been used, and headed down throughout history.

Here are 5 simple energetic space clean techniques to perform on your home, office, or other space:

1. Air out your living space. Open all the windows in the house and create a strong intention to cleanse the inside environment with the fresh vibrant energy from outside.

2. Burn sandalwood or sage incense in each room to disintegrate and disperse residual negative energy. Open the windows in the room and waved the incense throughout in a counterclockwise pattern saying, “thank you for absorbing and clearing all negative thoughts, energies, and emotions in this room right now!”

3. Clear the rooms with the brilliant white funnel of light. This is my favorite technique and I like to use it after performing and intuitive reading, and/or a mediumship session for my clients. Imagine a brilliant white fun funnel of light in the middle of each room, (like a huge tornado a brilliant light) absorbing the negative energy debris’s and recycling them back into the earth.

4. Ask for Archangel Michael’s help. Just as Archangel Michael can clear you of negative emotional debris inside your energy body, he can also clear your physical space. All you need to do is ask! “Archangel Michael I asked that you remove all stagnant energy debris in the form of negative thoughts and energies, and dislodge and remove them from the space now!” When I uses particular energetic space clearing technique I like to visualize Archangel Michael’s brilliant sort of blue light cutting through and releasing all negativity.

5. Tibetan singing bowls. Play a CD or MP3 of Tibetan singing bowls. Recordings which are made particularly for chocolate clearing work very well for energetic space clearing. What people do not realize is that your home and office also has its own layers of energy, and clearing those energy centers with the specific tones associated with each chakra acts a like a sonic power washer!

Clearing your home or environment of unwanted stagnant energy will allow your space to return to one of peace and tranquility. So do yourself a favor, and make energetic space clearing a regular part of your cleaning regimen.


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