Spiritual Soul Cleansing


Spiritual Soul Cleansing; Clear Your Energy, Uplift Your Vibration

Spiritual house cleansing does for your mind, body, and soul what spring cleaning does for your home. And just as physical housekeeping keeps your physical space clean and tidy, periodic soul cleansing not only keeps your energy vibration high, but also keeps you in alignment with Divine Love and joy.

And if you are a student of the Law of Attraction you already know that aligning with Divine Love makes you a magnet for manifesting not only more of what you desire, but also what you would like to express in life.

Everything and everyone has their own unique energy field. This energy field is also known as the bio-energy field which is made up of different electromagnetic fields in a wide range of frequencies.

With living entities such as humans, plants, and animals the bio-energetic field acts as an energy shield. Its function is to protect and keep you healthy. When the flow of this energy field is blocked, the field, or shield around you weekends and can affect you emotionally, energetically, as well as physically.

Seven influences that can affect your bio-energetic field:

1. Other people’s energy
2. The quality of your thoughts
3. The state of your physical health (i.e. illness)
4. The quality of the food you eat
5. What you watch on television, read, or listen to
6. Your physical environment (i.e. toxins, pollution, electromagnetic waves from electronic devices)
7. Negative influences from the spirit realm

As a professional energy healer and psychic I realize the importance of cleansing my energetic body daily; and I also continually remind my students and clients to do the same.

And the good news is that spiritual soul cleansing, in order to clear away stagnant energy and uplift your vibration, is easy! One of the simplest ways to do this is to call upon the help of your angels and Divine Love, while invoking a cleansing waterfall of Divine Light with an intention of dissolving any etheric debris which may have attached to you throughout your day.

This is an incredibly effective process that works instantly to rebalance your energy field, increase your energetic vibration, as well as infuse you with more love and joy. What’s even better is that you can do this process any time, and anywhere.

How to cleanse your energy field with Divine Light:

1. Get quiet.
2. Relax your body and take a few cleansing, deep breaths.
3. Call upon your angels and Divine Love to assist you.
4. Close your eyes and imagine brilliant, white light flowing through the crown of your head and down through the bottom of your feet.
5. Continue to allow the divine white light to cleanse, clear, and energize you for 2 to 3 minutes, or and tell you feel clear.
6. Thank God and the Angels for their assistance.

The video below goes a little bit more in depth with this process, but the above steps give you an adequate outline to remember whenever you feel the need to perform a spiritual soul cleansing to get your bio-energetic field clean and humming.

If you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe to our newsletter, or to our YouTube channel for more meditations, as well as tips and techniques to deepen your angelic connection, to develop your psychic skills, and more!


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