Spiritual Cleansing; Removing Negative Energy

spiritual cleansing

Spiritual Cleansing; Removing Negative Energy

Spiritual cleansing; is it important? Excessive negative energy can wreak havoc on your life and your environment if left unchecked. Negative energy can weigh your mind, body, and soul down like an anchor; drowning you with fatigue, depression, fear, exhaustion, relationship problems, and can even be the precursor of serious health issues. Learn how to remove negative energy now . . .

spiritual cleansing

Spiritual Cleansing is Vital to Your Energetic Hygiene

Spiritual cleansing; removing negative energy from your energy body, home, work environment, and as a regular part of your personal energetic hygiene is therefore a must!

Negative energy clings to your aura like plastic cling wrap; and just like you need to clean your furnace filter to keep it running smoothly, so you must also clean your energetic filters.

DIY Self-Spiritual Cleansing

Prayer. A simple prayer to God or the Angels to cleanse and clear your energetic body works wonders. My favorite way to do this is to pray to Archangel Michael daily, asking him to cut away and cleanse any negative energies that may have attached to me throughout my day.

Epsom Salt Bath. Not only is a nice hot bath is medicine to the mind and body; an Epsom salt bath effectively cleanses your bio-energetic field, or outer auric layer. As you fill the bathtub with hot water place ½ cup of Epsom salts into the tub. Adding baking soda and either some fresh lavender, or essential oil lavender gives your bath a spa like feel.

Body Sweeping. This technique is used regularly by many energy medicine practitioners during their sessions with clients. Just like sweeping away dust and debris off the floor, body sweeping brushes away stagnant energy on top of the skin. To perform body sweeping on yourself brush your hands downwards starting with your head, down your neck, shoulders, arms to fingertips, torso, and all the way down to your toes – just as if you are taking a shower with no water. Imagine all the stagnant energy falling on the floor and going down a draining tube to be recycled back into the earth.

White Light Protection. Imagine yourself engulfed inside a huge bubble of brilliant white light. This simple technique is fast and very effective, and has been used throughout the centuries. How to Cover Yourself in Protective White Light – Guided Meditation

Spiritual Cleansing of Your Home

Smudging. Smudging your living environment with Sage on a regular basis helps to remove stagnant energy buildup in your home. Open all windows, use a fireproof container, say a quick prayer of blessing, and then light the Sage. Starting from the middle of the room and working outwards, in a clockwise manner; fan the smoke with your hand, or a feather, visualizing all negativity being absorbed and cleansed in the smoke. How to Smudge Your House with Sage

Herbs. Many fresh herbs such as lavender, peppermint, basil, sage, cinnamon, and rosemary have protective qualities. Place the herbs of your choice in a decorative dish full of sea salt, and set it out to absorb the negative energy in the room.

Music. Just like music, the etheric body has its own vibratory signature, and certain forms of music has been used in ancient healing practices for realigning and centering the spirit. Play chakra clearing music, or the tones of Tibetan singing bowls in the rooms of your home. Or simply choose to play music that relaxes and soothes you. Full Chakra Healing Suite – Free

Holy Water. Sprinkle holy water throughout your home as you pray to the divine for the cleansing and protection of your home. Sprinkle the water on all doors, windows, walls, ceilings, doorways, and floors, or were ever your intuition leads you.

Spiritual Cleansing of Your Office

Many of the techniques mentioned in the above section on spiritual cleansing of the home will work in an office environment, except smudging for obvious reasons.

One of my all-time favorite methods for cleansing an office environment is to simply visualize a huge energy vortex swirling throughout the entire office, sucking and absorbing the stagnant energy, and draining it into the earth were can be recycled.

Paying close attention to the hygiene of your energy body will go a long way towards removing and balancing the negative energy from yourself, home, or work environment. Remember to change your energetic filter on a regular basis and enjoy the lightness of life.


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How do you clear negative energy from yourself and your environment? Do have any tips or techniques that work well for you? Sharing is caring. Let me know by commenting below.


    1. The vortex method is my all time favorite, especially since I can always feel an immediate shift in the energy. Blessings . . . ❤️

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