Lost Your Psychic Skills?

Lost Your Psychic Skills? Here’s How to Get Them Back

Thinking you may have somehow lost your psychic skills? Here’s how to get them back . . .

lost your psychic skills

Can You Lose Your Psychic Skills?

I’m often asked the same question over and over again. “Can you lose your psychic skills?” I can definitely feel the pain underneath this question.

As a young girl my psychic skills were off the chart. I felt extremely close to my angels and guides. They were (and happily still are) my best friends, teachers, and confidants. But one day when I was 14 years old I woke up to find that their loving presence was no longer there.

So what changed? What happened to me as well as with many of my clients and students were one and the same.

Before I share with you exactly what that is, first let me answer the question posed at the beginning of this article. Can you lose your psychic skills? My answer – NO! You can never lose something that is a natural extension of who you are.

Why it seems As If Your Psychic Skills Have Vanished

Okay, for those readers would like to continue reading this article, allow me to share with you the reason it seems as if your psychic skills have either diminished, or appear to have vanished altogether.

As with everything in life there is a natural ebb and flow to things. The same holds true with your psychic skills. The reason these skills seem to either wane or disappear stems from one or more of the following:

• Stress, depression, or other health issues
• Extreme fatigue
• A new belief system

The latter is what I have found to generally be the culprit, not only in my situation as a young girl, but I have found it to be also true with the majority of my students. And this is a new belief system.

What I mean? A new belief system generally involves the implanted thoughts or beliefs that your psychic skills are either wrong, unethical, or worse yet – evil!

Yes, I know. You can probably guess where these belief systems generally originate from. And I promise not to get on my spiritual soapbox as I have some very strong opinions regarding this. And so if you didn’t guess – these implanted belief systems originate from mainstream religious doctrine.

Here’s what happened to me. As a young and impressionable teenager I was invited by a good friend to a “revival” at her church and was flat out told by the minister that my psychic skills were evil. As a result I purposely shut them off: trading in my lovely guidance out of fear, as well to feel as if I belonged.

It wasn’t until almost 10 years later, as I was literally on my back due to a debilitating illness, that through serendipitous events, that I learned that my psychic skills were actually spiritual gifts; more specifically the gift of prophecy.

Here is what I am getting at, and have found to hold true in my experience as well as that of my students who feel that they have lost their psychic skills. The reason you feel as if you’ve lost your psychic skills is that you have for some reason or another made a conscious decision to shut them off.

Here’s the Good News . . .

You have the ability to turn them right back on again, by utilizing these three simple strategies to enhance your psychic skills:

1. Meditate. I know some of you are rolling your eyes into the back of your head right now. Meditate? Oh come on now Dar! Everyone says that! But here’s the thing. Meditation comes in many forms. The most important thing is to get quiet and to give yourself permission to shut the outside world off. This practice is extremely valuable for retraining your ability to hear, feel, see, and know using your own intuitive speak. More importantly it also helps you to re-tune into the loving vibration of your angels and guides. There is no set rule of what genre of meditation to engage in. The most important thing is to just get quiet and to spend a minimum of 10 minutes each day to tune in. For me, my favorite method of meditation is deep rhythmic breathing.

2. Give your psychic senses a workout. Just like exercise strengthens your physical body, your psychic centers also need to be fine-tuned in honed. After all, practice makes perfect right? This statement goes a long way when making a commitment to developing your psychic skills. So needless to say the easiest way to work out your psychic senses is to use them! So make it fun! I teach my students various ‘psychic’ games that they can practice either alone or with a friend at various times during the day. These games consist of simple tools such as Zener Cards, dice, and playing cards, and other tools you can find around the house. Another fun way give your psychic senses a workout is daily journaling; in which you tune into your angels and guides for a bit of wisdom and insight about the upcoming day. Personally I really love to journal this way and often times I enjoy pulling either one tarot or Oracle card afterwards for additional wisdom (which generally turns out to be a confirmation of what my angels and guides had just shared with me! SMILE!).

3. Drink lots of water. Remember, your bio energetic body is like a huge energetic power plant. You need to keep yourself hydrated for your mind, body, and spirit to function in dynamic unison. Drink as much water as you can throughout the day. I like to fill my huge, over-sized water mug up in the morning, making sure I throw in some frozen lemon wedges and/or frozen strawberries. Your imagination is the only limit in terms of your recipes for flavored waters. Of course the flavored water is optional, but for me it ensures that I will drink every drop.

Finally in closing, now that you know you’ve never really lost your psychic skills, it’s time to give yourself a pat in the back for your decision to return home to your spiritual essence, and to re-awaken your psychic channels. Stay balanced and be patient with yourself during this beautiful process of re-awakening and energetic realigning. Sometimes it might take a little bit of time and effort to get your psychic senses back into shape, so make a heartfelt commitment to yourself to stick it out, enjoy the process, and above all make it fun!


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Have you ever felt as if you lost your psychic senses? If so how did you re-awaken them? Sharing is caring. Let us know by commenting below.

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