Resurrect Your Clairvoyance

resurrect your clairvoyance

How to Resurrect Your Clairvoyance

Does it feel as if your clairvoyance has flown the coop? Here are some practical tips to help you resurrect your clairvoyance . . .

resurrect your clairvoyance

How to Resurrect Your Clairvoyance

Does it seem as if your clairvoyant ability has somehow either lessened or has turned off altogether? In my professional practice many of my clients ask me how to resurrect their clairvoyance; just like Nicki who asked me the following question:

“I used to be really intuitive when I was a child. My clairvoyant abilities where off the charts! I was able to quickly see and discern when things would happen. But as I grew older my abilities seemed to lessen. Can I get them back?”

My answer? Absolutely, yes! You can resurrect or re-discover your clairvoyant ability, and with a bit of focused practice your clairvoyant abilities can become better and more developed than before.

Is Your Clairvoyant Ability Really Gone?

Clairvoyance means ‘clear seeing’ and it’s the ability to intuitively perceive situations through symbols, signs, and pictures in your mind’s eye (third eye) and it is an extremely common gift of young children up to the age of six.

Did you really ‘lose’ your clairvoyant ability? Actually, the answer to that question is no. There are a variety of ways people disconnect with this natural psychic gift. As children the reason this gift is so developed is that we have no sensor telling us that using our psychic gift is wrong, evil, or just our imagination. As a result, we freely use this incredible gift of psychic seeing with unabashed delight.

As we continue to grow a number of factors tend to cause us to “shut down” this beautiful gift. Among them are taught beliefs that what we are perceiving is either wrong, or that we are making it up. As children we want to be accepted and loved by our parents and other authoritarians. To please them we accept what they are saying as true and inadvertently shut our psychic gifts off.

Are your intuitive gifts really gone? No. What you need to remember is that your psychic gifts are much like any other physical skill. If you want to keep those skills sharp you must continue to practice and use that skill. The term ‘use it or lose it’ is extremely appropriate when it comes to your psychic senses as a whole.

How Can I Get My Clairvoyant Abilities Back?

So if your clairvoyant abilities are not really gone how can you get them back? Here are some fun and effective ways to resurrect your clairvoyance that are simple, and more importantly fast!

Meditation. Meditation is the number one skill to practice if you wish to re-awaken your clairvoyance. Meditation teaches you the valuable skill of quietening your thoughts at will.

When it comes to clairvoyance, your mind must be trained to purposely get quiet so that you can focus on visually receiving intuitive impressions.

Practice stilling and quieting your mind for a minimum of ten minutes a day, and increase the time as you become more proficient. Meditation is a valuable skill and with regular practice will pay incredible dividends towards developing your psychic abilities.

Learn the Art of Active Visualization. When I was being mentored in the psychic arts as a young girl one of the activities my teacher had me do on a regular basis was active visualization. What she would have me do is to sit in front of a small object and gaze at it until I could shut my eyes and see it in my mind’s eye clearly.

Next, with my eyes closed I was instructed to imagine picking the object up in my hands to study it further. Many times my teacher would hide telltale marks somewhere on the object that I would eventually intuit.

You can focus on any object that draws your interest such as a lit candle, a vase, or even a picture of a loved one. The point is to practice until it becomes easy to quickly see the object in your mind when you close your eyes.

Play Psychic Games. This is one of the easiest and most pleasant ways to open your third eye. In relationship to re-awakening your clairvoyance here are a few of the psychic games my mentor used to have her students play alone as well as with others.

The first was called “Guess the Color”. What my teacher would do in this case is place different colored crayons in sealed security envelopes (the type you cannot see through). Then she would number the envelopes and ask us to psychically intuit, then write down the color corresponding with each number.

We would also do a similar exercise with playing cards either alone or with a partner, guessing the color of each card (red or black) before the card was turned over.

Another easy exercise that was not only fun, but challenging as well, was using a set of flash cards designed to help young children learn to read. On the cards are simple words, and colored depictions of the words, such as ball, sun, chair, and the like.

My teacher would place a few cards in separate envelopes and ask us to describe what we “saw” inside the sealed envelope in terms of colors, shapes, textures of the object, size, etc. Psychic games are a quick and very fast way to re-acquaint yourself with your clairvoyance.

You never really lose your psychic abilities, but you can inadvertently turn them off. Resurrect your clairvoyance starting today by learning to get quiet, visualize, and more importantly by giving yourself permission to have fun while doing it.

You will then notice your clairvoyant skills re-emerging and re-developing in ways that you never imagined! Have fun!


Lost Your Psychic Skills?

Fun and Easy Psychic Games

Did this article help you reconnect with your clairvoyant abilities, or do you have any tips to share with others? Sharing is caring. Let us know by commenting below . . . 


  1. Even though I’m ’40-something’ (lol), I’m still new to the different aspects of spirituality. I really love your website, it has such great content! 🙂 Hopefully I don’t sound too ignorant with the following questions…Unfortunately, I allowed myself to be programmed in specific ways – and although I am trying to let go of some older ideas (some religious beliefs that harp on certain things being ‘wrong’ – like clairvoyance and being an Empath), I am still trying to grasp the meaning of some of these concepts. For instance, I have a dear friend that always tells me I need to ‘close my 3rd eye’, because I let other’s negativity and hate consume me sometimes. I’m confused how that even works, shutting it off, opening it up, and does that negatively affect me more so, being an Empath? I have a lot of trouble meditating on my own, I have to listen to a meditation audio, I can’t just sit there because I’m afraid I’ll let a negative entity in, because I feel something weird, I can’t explain it because I don’t know what I’m talking about… lol! It’s all so confusing and feels rather ‘messy’ for me emotionally.

    1. I totally understand where you are coming from in regards to old religious programming. They did not have access to scientific and medical information that proves that intuitive abilities are a natural part of our physical make up. My thoughts are why would a loving God create us with these abilities and not want us to use them? LOL! In my spiritual tradition they call these abilities “the gift of prophesy”. I do have a resource I can refer to help you. It is two amazing books by one of my mentors Echo Bodine. The first is called ‘The Gift’ and the second is called ‘A Still Small Voice”. Both are written from her American Baptist Christian up bringing. I know you will enjoy them, and I also know that they will help you understand your latent gifts. Hugs . . .

  2. Thank you so much, I just bought both of the books for Kindle! 🙂 Can’t wait to read them! Blessings! <3

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