Tap Into Your Psychic Abilities

Tap into your psychic senses

Tap Into Your Psychic Abilities

Are you interested in learning how to tap into your psychic abilities but just don’t know where to start? Tapping into your intuitive or psychic abilities is actually much easier than you may think.

Tap into your psychic senses

It’s Easy to Hone Your Psychic Abilities

Many people are already aware that have psychic abilities or ‘intuitive gifts’ but are unsure about how to hone and develop these abilities. While many others have a deep desire to be able to ‘see into their future’, be more intuitive, provide tarot or angel card readings, or perhaps even communicate with a loved one on the other side; however they are unsure if they can develop the skill to do so.

“After all,” they think. “Intuitive gifts such as that are just for the few . . . right?”

Wrong. The truth is that anyone can develop their psychic abilities. And although some are more naturally tuned into their psychic knowing than others, anyone can learn to tune into their psychic abilities with a bit of practice and perseverance.

If you are you interested in learning how to fine tuning your psychic abilities the following 3 top tips will get you started . . .

Tap into Your Psychic Abilities; 3 Top Tips to Get You Started

Tip Number One – Meditate Regularly:

Regular mediation is the first tip I always share with anyone who asks me how to learn to tap into their natural psychic skill. Meditation is the foundation of your psychic abilities and should not be overlooked.

Meditation encourages you to switch off your analytical, everyday-thinking-brain and tap into your intuitive, creative, subconscious mind. This allows you to access information on a deep level and is essential in psychic development as a whole.

When you start to analyze your feelings along with everything else that pops up in your thoughts, you block the messages that come via your intuition or from spirit in the form of ‘the still small voice within”. The voice of your inner knowing is quiet and subtle which means that you need to learn how to shift your thoughts into a quiet listening mode easily in order to access your psychic abilities. This is one of the reasons that meditation is a must; as learning to access and tune into the silence is your greatest asset when learning to tap into your natural psychic abilities.

If you are someone who knows they have a particular psychic skill such as clairvoyance or clairaudience, but finds that it is difficult to control this skill at will, meditation will really benefit you.

There are many varieties of meditation, and the process of meditation isn’t hard or complicated. Meditation can be as simple as relaxing in an armchair and listening to your favorite piece of calm music, or as enjoyable as taking a contemplative stroll alone in the woods, or along the beach.

Personally, I enjoy all of the above simple meditation techniques, but my favorite is a meditation process that incorporates rhythmic breathing.  If you’re not sure how to meditate you can find a variety of resources for free online.

The online resource I really enjoy is MeditationOasis.com. They offer easy to understand tutorials as well as other resources to help you to tune in and get quiet. Note: I am not an affiliate of this company – I just think they are fabulous!

Tip Number Two – Learn About Your Bi-Energetic Field:

Your bio-energetic field consists of your aura and chakras. And in case you may be wondering what auras and chakras have to do with your psychic abilities, they are a vital part of the process. Everything around you is made of energy. You and I, and every living thing are energetic beings; taking in, changing, creating, and giving off energy in a variety of forms.

You and I are also surrounded by electro-magnetic fields and through these energy fields you are able to act somewhat like a radio transmitter and receiver, enabling you to pass on and receive information on a subtle (or psychic) level.

Learning about these energies and understanding not only how they work, but also how you can utilize them to your benefit will really change the way you see the world around you. More importantly, it will change the way you think and interact with others.

When learning about and working with your bio-energetic field, the most important introductory skill is learning how to open, close, and ground your energies. I’ll cover these in new posts soon.

For now, why not practice one key element which is called grounding your energy. This will be of particular use if you ever feel a bit spacey and is a key skill in learning to control your abilities. It will also help you to clear your head whenever you need to.

  • As a first, very simple exercise stand with your spine straight, and shoulders back. Make sure that your feet are a hips width apart allowing your arms to hang loosely at your sides.
  • Keeping your spine straight, and shoulders back, slightly bend your knees and allow your weight to sink into your feet.
  • Gently rock back and forth on your feet a few times to find your balance.
  • Take all of your awareness to your feet and in particular to point at the base of the ball of your foot (about 1/3rd down your foot between the big and 2nd toe).
  • Imagine all of your weight sinking down to this point.
  • Visualize roots extending out from this point down deep into the ground.
  • Stand like this for a few moments, allowing your body to relax and breathe deeply.

Tip Number Three – Gain Confidence and Develop Your Skills with Divination Tools

The use of divination tools such as angel or tarot cards, runes, I-Ching, and other similar divination tools are a great way to learn to tap into your own innate intuitive and psychic abilities. Choose a divination tool that interests you and which you find enjoyable.

In the early days of my psychic development I practiced with many different divination tools such as regular playing cards, tarot, runes, and tarot cards. I suggest that you do the same – play around with these tools until you find one that you really enjoy, and one that is most natural to your own personal style of intuitive speak and your developing psychic skills.

Divination tools allow you to practice tuning into your psychic knowing, as well as providing you with valuable practice. This practice will go a long way in helping you to develop confidence in your emerging psychic skills. As with any other tool – the more you use the tool the better you will get.

In closing, remember that when it comes to learning the process of tapping into your psychic abilities practice and perseverance is the key. One final piece of advice as you continue to learn to tap into and hone your psychic skills is to approach the process with playfulness, and an attitude of fun. Enjoy!


Signs Your Psychic Abilities are Awakening

Lost Your Psychic Skills?

Did you find these tips helpful, or do you have some psychic development tips you would like to share with our readers? Let us know by commenting below . . .


  1. I do astrology & read cards. Recently, 6 guides have come to me & after their names were revealed, I started to understand them & my “issues” have become more clear. I feel protected & have been in some scary situations where angels have helped me out. Once I had the scariest dream of my life. I was staying at a friend’s apt. before transitioning to a home of my own. While sleeping, quite suddenly, I was in a fight w/this dark, amorphous “thing,” that went on for a long time. When I grew tired, I thought, “Well, at least I know where i’m going if I die.” Then suddenly 2 “spirits” literally rushed to each side of me & defeated the attack. It was scary & I began laughing maniacally until my friend came & woke me up. I wasn’t “quite right” for a couple days after, but I knew I had survived a deadly psychic attack. Thanks for listening to me. I don’t get to speak of these things with most people. Many blessings.

    1. Its nice to know that we have like minded Soul Travelers on our life path. It is always refreshing to know that you have support from a loving Soul Tribe, even if you never meet them face to face. Welcome my dear sister. Blessings, Love, and Light . . .

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