How to Deflect a Psychic Attack

deflect a psychic attack

How to Deflect a Psychic Attack

Psychic attacks are a very real phenomenon, and learning to deflect a psychic attack is vital. Learning how to psychically protect yourself will help you to be consciously aware of your energetic environment at any given time and will enable you to effectively protect yourself.

How to Deflect a Psychic Attack

The Key to Avoiding Psychic Attack is Prevention

As a lifelong martial artist I often hear my Sensei say that the best way to prevent an attack is to avoid any situations that could cause a personal threat in the first place. In other words, be conscious enough to not put yourself in harm’s way.

The same truth holds true when it comes to psychic self-defense. As human beings you and I thrive by utilizing our individual strengths to support our weaknesses. Psychic attacks work by shining the light on your weaknesses causing you to attack yourself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually by clouding the way you choose to think, act, or react in the world about you.

Learning to deflect a psychic attack is easier than you think. When you become clear about what psychic attacks are, you are able to consciously kick negative energy in your environment in the ass with a high flying kick!

Black Belt Psychic Self-Defense Tips

The key to becoming skilled in the art of psychic self-defense is to learn to be meticulous about releasing toxic thoughts, habits, energy, emotions and thoughts by redirecting your attention to the positive aspects of your life as well as keeping and maintaining routines that are healthy.

Psychic attacks work by getting into the “cracks” in your life, upsetting and belittling your sense of self, as well as jumbling up your healthy routines. This means that you must learn how to block and to parry negative energy whenever it comes your way. This is the core of psychic self-defense and is the key to using your own personal energy productively in your own life.

So if you feel that you are in some way under a psychic attack here are some black belt level tips to protect yourself:

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #1 – Call on your Angels, guides, friends and healers.

There is power in numbers. Ask them to include you daily in their prayers, meditations, and healings.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #2 – Redirect your thoughts.

One of the symptoms of psychic attack is that your thoughts are drawn to the vulnerable in yourself. When you have toxic thoughts or dwell or even obsess about someone or something, consciously redirect your thoughts to something or someone constructive. At first, you may need to do this hundreds of times a day! Make a list of positive goals in your life and choose from this list whenever you have a painful or self-loathing thought.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #3 -Sea salt bath and candles

Take a sea salt bath with 4 white candles (representing your stability) while imaging light and grace filling your body, and life with every breath you take.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #4 – Focus on what is right in your life.

Psychic attack works by engaging you in your own darkness. Spend time in the “sunny rooms” of your life.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #5 – Stay away from energy vampires.

When you are feeling vulnerable stay away from situations and people who have an undermining effect on your life and self-worth. These are the gossipers, angry, mean spirited, and negative people you may come across throughout the day. Often, unfortunately, we might be related to some of these people! The bottom line is to limit the time you spend in contact with anyone who is not 100 percent on your team.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #6 – Avoid obsessing over your problems.

Obsessing over your problems means to endlessly think about them. Be mindful in the present moment. Your ability to make positive changes in your life lies not in the past or in the future but in the present moment.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #7 – Create holy water.

Studies of water, by Dr. Masaru Emoto and others, have shown that if you hold water while experiencing a positive feeling that water is transformed in a way that creates health/blessings. Before you eat or drink send healing images and loving energy to whatever goes into you. It is your own magic potion. You can ask others to bless your food/drink for you. This is the hidden power of saying grace over food. I always have a case of water that I ask people to bless and I share with neighbors to drink, put on injuries, dying plants, and so on.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #8 – Create sacred spaces.

Smudge your bed and put some talisman, crystals, or other symbols of protection around you. Create an altar. Make sure that your living environment is a clean, blessed, and sacred as you can make it. Allow your home to be your temple.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #9 – Maintain healthy habits and routines.

Psychic attack works by challenging your balance. Use discipline to maintain good food, sleep, exercise, and interpersonal habits and healthy self-talk.

Psychic Self-Defense Tip #10 – Do not retaliate.

When someone attacks they are leaving their own life exposed. Energy is limitless but attention is not. If you are using your attention to harm or manipulate someone, that is attention that is directed away from building the successful healthy life you deserve.

Tips curated from 10 Tips to Deflect a Psychic Attack, by Om Times Magazine.


Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks

Energetic Space Clearing

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