Emotional Effects of Mercury in Retrograde

Emotional Effects of Mercury in Retrograde

Emotional Effects of Mercury in Retrograde; How to Cope

The emotional effects of Mercury in Retrograde are not your imagination! Here’s how to cope …

Emotional Effects of Mercury in Retrograde

Mercury in Retrograde is Not Your Imagination

The emotional effects of Mercury in retrograde is not your imagination. Three to four time a year Mercury is closer to the sun than Earth is, therefore, its orbit is shorter. When Mercury passes closest to the Earth we gain the illusion that the planet is traveling backwards. This is a similar effect as when you are riding a train and pass another train – it can seem as though the one is going backwards.

The planet Mercury is associated with communication, listening, speaking, learning, negotiating, buying, selling, traveling plans, vehicles, contracts and agreements. This means that when Mercury is in retrograde you can expect any or all of these things to also spin as though they appearing to go backwards, or out of control.

For individuals who are quite sensitive to energy, especially empaths, Mercury in Retrograde can cause confusion, delays, and frustration. Here’s how to cope . . .

Emotional Effects of Mercury in Retrograde + Tips to Help You Cope

1. Short Tempers. Short fuses are a common emotional effect of Mercury in Retrograde. If you notice your temper rising cool it off by taking a few deep cleansing breaths. This will help you to oxygenate your brain, but more importantly allow you to respond to the situation more calmly.

2. Nightmares may be more pronounced during Mercury in retrograde. Your subconscious mind analyzes and processes your thoughts, feelings, and experiences during your day. If you are experiencing nightmares choose to look at them as a top notch detective would. Write your dream down and take a subjective look at them noticing any connections to your current life situations.

3. Communication breakdowns will occur during Mercury in Retrograde. This means not everyone is going to agree with one another. Let yourself and others off the hook by simply agreeing to disagree.

4. Relationship Breakdowns. Relationship issues are magnified during Mercury in Retrograde and even the strongest relationships could experience a meltdown. Look at the situation that is causing breakdown consciously, as well as through the eyes of love. If the relationship is salvageable endeavor to find a mutual compromise that is in the best, and highest good of all parties concerned.

5. Mental and Emotional Heaviness causing you to feel “slow”, spaced out, or confused. Remember to ground your energy on a regular basis. This will allow you to reconnect to your body and with your emotions. One of the easiest and ways to stay grounded is to keep yourself hydrated, so during Mercury in Retrograde drink up!

6. Emotional upset is also very common during Mercury in Retrograde. Be prepared. Things are crazy during this planetary cycle and outside and internal stressors may take their toll causing tears to flow. Honor your tears. Crying is a great stress relief and can be very therapeutic as well.

7. Frustration. Because things seem to be so off during Mercury in Retrograde frustration is sure to surface. Do yourself a favor, and above all let yourself and everyone else off the hook by allowing yourself to be flexible.

8. Unpredictable Moods and Roller Coaster Behaviors. Moods can quickly shift during Mercury in retrograde. Moodiness is generally a sign of being to much in the emotions and not enough in your head. Give yourself or others space. If you are the one experiencing the mood swings re-balance yourself by taking a walk, or taking a small time out to just get quiet. Mindfulness Meditation is also a fantastic way to kick moodiness in the bootie; when erratic moods surface allow yourself a few minutes of bliss to simply focus on your breath.

9. Difficulty Sleeping. Mercury in Retrograde will affect many peoples sleeping patterns. If you can’t take a short power nap during the day go to bed an hour early. A hot bath prior to retiring, or a hot cup of chamomile tea also works wonders for a natural sleeping aid.

10. Self-Doubt. During a Mercury in Retrograde cycle you may find that you second guess your decisions. Most likely the energetic effects of Mercury in Retrograde could be the interfering factor. If you do not need to make an immediate decision give yourself permission to delay making any important decisions until after Mercury returns in its normal orbiting pattern.


Self Care for Empaths

4 Ways to Energetically Ground Yourself

Did you enjoy this article? Do you have any tips to share that will help others cope with the Mercury in Retrograde cycle? Let us know by commenting below . . .



  1. Thank you!!! This is EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING and i KNEW it had to do with the planets.

  2. Can you feel these effects prior to the actual retrograde? It’s July, 2 2019, and I’ve experienced the roller coaster behavior from others and the confusion and blah feeling with myself. Mercury retrograde starts July 7 and until the 31st.

    1. Yes! You must be very clairsentient and/or very sensitive to planetary energies. There is what is called a “pre-shadow” for planetary retrogrades. The pre-shadow for the July 7, 2019 Mercury in Retrograde began on June 20th.

  3. Thank you so much for this!! I have been so out of sorts and this makes me feel at least I have not 100% regressed!!

  4. im literally crying for kinda no proper reason and reading this made me feel like im not crazy, the current mercury retrograde is really testing me and everyone around me! All of this made sense. Thanks!

    1. My pleasure. Its always nice to know you’re not nuts! LOL! You are indeed perfectly sane, and most likely a very empathic person. I agree . . . you weren’t alone this past Mercury in Retrograde. The energy was quite emotional for many people!

  5. Does mercury retrograde effect everybody equally or does it affect more negatively to those in whose horoscope the mercury is during its retrograde period?

    1. That’s an excellent question. Mercury in Retrograde will affect everyone differently regardless of their Sun Signs, just as the full moon affects everyone differently.

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