How to See Angels

how to see angels

How to See Angels

“Can you give me some tips on how to see angels?” This is a  question that I am asked almost on a daily basis.  Do you want to see evidence of angels around you? Here are some of the subtle signs to look for . . .

how to see angels

How to See Angels

Angels love you and want you to know that they are around you; and that they are an ever-present source of help and wisdom. Although some people who are highly clairvoyant can actually “see” angels with their physical eyes, more often than not angels reveal themselves in subtle ways.

Training yourself to notice these subtle signs is fun, and its easier than you think!

6 Subtle Signs that Angels are Around You

1. Orbs in Photographs. Energy orbs are simply small balls of light that show up in photographs – predominantly with digital photography.

Orbs show up in many sizes, and can appear as a single ball of light, or a multitude of lights huddled together. When these orbs show up around people or places it is a sign of blessings, and protection.

What’s neat about angel orbs is that you can ask your guardian angels to show themselves in the photo prior to taking the photo!

2. Sparkles of Light and Light Flashes. Seeing sparkles of light, or light flashes out of the corner of your eye, or in a darkened room while you sleep. This is a sign that your guardian angels are near.

These sparkles and flashes are generally electric blue or brilliant white in color, but also occur in various colors as well. The colored flashes are thought to be that of the archangels; the light colors matching the color of their aura.

3. Colored Mists. Just as with sparkles and flashes of light, seeing purple, pink, light blue, or other color mists is a sign that archangels and angels are near.

4. Angel Cloud Formations. Clouds in the shape of angels to me are like a hug and kiss from heaven! I love seeing angels express their love for humankind through a cloud formation!

5. Phantom Fragrances. Angels show their presence many times through unexplained scents and fragrances. Common scents without an explainable origin such a roses, lilies, honeysuckle, and jasmine are signals that angels are in your midst.

6. Various Signs. Often angels give you signs that they are around you by scattering little “sweet nothings” around you. Items such as feathers, gemstones, coins, butterflies, dragonfly’s, birds, and doves are very common ways the angels are trying to get your attention.


7 Signs of Your Angels Presence

How to Communicate with Your Guardian Angels

Did you enjoy this article, or do you have a special way that the angels show you their presence? Sharing is caring. Let me know by commenting below . . .


  1. My angels left me a feather inside my mountain vacation home. I had been asking them if they would be able to find me up there, this was a clear sign that they knew where I would be all along.

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