

Archangel Four Corners Home Blessing


Archangel Four Corners Home Blessing

The holiday festivities are slowly turning down their noise, and many of you are ready to let go of the happenings of the old year to welcome the possibilities of a new year. This is a perfect time to perform a four corners home blessing with help from the Archangels.

The truth is that your home is your sacred refuge. It is your private space to laugh, love, work, and rest.

Sometimes your refuge can leave you feeling restless.  The cause behind this could be any one of a number of variables… life changes, losses, gains, new adventures, or simply a complete change in living space (new home).

The Archangel Four Corners Home Blessing can help restore balance, deliver peace, abundance, prosperity, as well as help open the door to healing. Click through for instructions on how to bless your home with the Archangel’s help, a prayer to bless your home + free printable . . .

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7 Things the Angels of Christmas Want You to Know


7 Things You Need to Know About the Angels of Christmas

Calling all Earth Angels! Want to discover how to work with the Angels of Christmas and how to share their loving messages everywhere you go?

Honoring the wisdom of the Angels of Christmas, by spreading the Christmas Spirit creates a positive karmic reservoir; because what you send out you receive.

This article will share with you the loving wisdom the Angels of Christmas are here to bestow to each of God’s children, as well as how to work with the energies of these beautiful secret agents of Divine Love. And in keeping in the spirit of Christmas giving will also provide you with a free gift!

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The Archangel Apothecary

The Archangel Apothecary

The Archangel Apothecary; Incense, Oils, Herbs, Potions, & Prayers

I am happy to announce my newest book, The Archangel Apothecary: Incense, Oils, Herbs, Potions, & Prayers for Everyday Life! Quantum Physics teaches that everything is made of energy, and has its own energetic resonance. Throughout the centuries ancient healers skilled in the arts of herbalism and energy medicine knew this to be true, using herbs, oils, incense, and prayer to effectively facilitate mental and emotional healing in their patients.

As a professional angel communicator and energy healer, I was able to witness first-hand the incredible power of combing the energy of the Archangels with essential oils and herbs in my spiritual counseling and healing sessions. This is accomplished through a unique process that my Angelic Team shared with me – and now I would like to share that process with you too!

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8 Non-Creepy Facts About Archangel Azrael

8 Non-Creepy Facts About Archangel Azrael

8 Non-Creepy Facts About Archangel Azrael

October. The month of witches, ghouls, goblins, monsters, and zombies – all of that scary stuff! And try as you may, during the month of October you cannot escape the iconic, dark hooded, skeleton figure holding a long handled scythe.

Is that scary, cloaked figure Archangel Azrael? Not quite. As a matter of fact, I believe that Archangel Azrael gets a bad rap: so this article is intended to set the record straight . . .

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Angelic Advice for Difficult Times


Angelic Advice for Difficult Times

Difficult times. We all encounter bumps in the road of life and at these times angelic advice is necessary. Natural disasters, the death of loved ones, illness, accidents, loss of income – it’s a natural part of living whether you like it or not.

Several years ago difficult times visited my doorstep. The result catapulted me into a deep depression. My physical body was sick, my mind was tired, and my spirit wanted to give up.

It was at that time that my spiritual team gave me some very wise angelic advice that I believed saved my life.

If you are going through difficult times consider the following sage advice. It will allow you to turn your gloom into a glimmer of hope . . .

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7 Ways to Ask Your Guardian Angels for Help


7 Ways to Ask Your Guardian Angels for Help

Asking a higher power for help, such as help from your guardian angels is a sure way to receive guidance for those times when life seems to throw you a curve ball.

Your guardian angels have been assigned to help you move through life with ease and grace, and so knowing how to ask for their help is essential.

However, as heavenly children you and I have been given the gift of free will – which is the ability to choose how we wish to think, act and react in life. Except in emergency situations, this means that your guardian angels can not intervene in your life circumstance unless you ask them to.

Not sure how to do this? Here are 7 ways to ask your guardian angels for help right now . . .

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