
Intuitive Writing

Emotional Decluttering

emotional decluttering

Emotional Decluttering with Archangel Jophiel’s Help

Spring. The time to throw off the dank and cold of winter, and to instead welcome in the newness of spring. Spring is also traditionally the time to clean and clear the clutter of the long winter in preparation for the warmth and beauty of the new season.

While physically cleaning and preparation for the new season is good and beneficial, the truth is that few people realize the importance of a periodic deep emotional decluttering. What do I mean?

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The Archangels of Love and Romance, Part 2

The Archangels of Love and Romance, Part 2

The Archangels of Love and Romance, Part 2

In part one of this blog series you were introduced to the Archangels of Love and Romance and how to get to know them.

This post will show you how to work with a special group of Angels known as the Angels of Love and Light. These beautiful angels have been assigned by the Archangels of and Romance to help you find the your perfect soul other.

Part 2 of a 3 part series – The Archangels of Love and Romance; Who They Are and How to Work with Them

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Life Purpose Oracle Card Spread


Life Purpose Oracle Card Spread

Once I let go of the need to live my life the way I thought I was expected to live it, things in my life automatically fell into place. And soon, without even realizing it I was embracing my life purpose.

What about you? Are you living in giving in a way that honors your passion and joy; or are you merely contributing to someone else’s joy because you believe that’s what you must do?

What do I mean? Let me give you an example. My parents wanted successful children so they emphasize the value of a college education in order to live a successful life. Success to both of my parents meant a prestigious career that provided a high paying salary. Long story short, although I had other career aspirations I chose to cater to my parents expectations and entered law school.

It wasn’t until several years later that I realized I chose my career path to please my parents. I didn’t dislike my chosen career, it was just that I knew that there was something more out there for me instead of being tied to my legal career twenty four hours, seven days per week. Something was obviously missing.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ~ Steve Jobs

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Discover Your Life Purpose with the Angels Help


Discover Your Life Purpose with the Angels Help

Regardless of where you are now, how much money you have accumulated thus far, and what you’ve achieved in life up to this point in time; unless you have discovered your true purpose in life you are living a life of quiet desperation and not living up to your full potential.

When you are inspired by some great purpose; an exciting project or endeavor that takes joyfully takes your breath away, your consciousness expands, your mind transcends all limitations, and you awaken to a brand new world full of endless possibilities. And as Thoreau so aptly stated, ‘Dormant forces, faculties, and talents come alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be.’

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