
Spiritual Development

Luxuriate in Being Alive!

Luxuriate in Being Alive

Luxuriate in Being Alive!

I was at a diner last week, and I heard a little boy say, “Daddy, are you alive or are you an android?” And I thought, what an interesting question. Because many people go through life acting as if they’re androids. They move from one task to another as if they’re robots, not aware of life around them, doing the same ho-hum 9 to 5 routine every single day; and then having a few days to catch up on chores over the weekend. More often than not this trivial existence causes you to wind up feeling dissatisfied and sometimes even depressed.

Luxuriate in being alive! Don’t be a robot! This article is designed to deliver to you some quick and easy tips and techniques to help you become more alive and more engaged in life. Being more alive, and being more engaged in life carries over into every area of your life; personal and professional. Also life is short, so it’s important for you as a human being to really take advantage of the time that you have now.

Taking time out to enjoy life is not hard, but it does require a change of personal perspective. So what we’re going to do is take a look at several ways that you can begin to luxuriate in the richness of your life starting today.

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How to Create Your Own Success Rituals



You are what you repeatedly do every day. So let me ask you a question. Do wake up each morning dreading your day; thinking about all the things that you must do? You know what I mean – that long list of “stuff”. When you open your eyes in the morning, are you feeling overwhelmed, full of anxiety, depressed, angry, or just plain tired?

Guess what? How you consistently start your day is a daily ritual. Everyone has daily morning rituals whether they realize it or not. But what do you think would happen if you created a morning ritual that equated to your epic success?

Ritual = a series of actions performed in a prescribed manner.

How you start your day is how you end your day – so if you want to end your day feeling like a rock star; feeling as if your day was focused and productive, and just feeling plain wonderful – you will need to change the way you approach your morning routine. The good news is that it is easier than you expect.

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