Healing Your Past Lives

healing your past lives

Healing Your Past Lives

Healing your past lives. Have you ever wondered how your past lives collide with, or affect your present life? I believe this is a very important question, a question that is often overlooked.


Why Healing Your Past Lives is Important

Why is past life healing so important? Because past lives are an integral part of who you are and who your soul has become over time.

How you evolved and grown as a soul and as an individual is very much dependent on the experiences you had in your past lives, just as it plays a very important role affecting the experiences you have in this present lifetime. This means that in order to heal you future you must first heal your past.

The truth is that just as your current life experiences are not always positive and happy, experiences you may have had in your past lives were not always positive in nature either. As a matter of fact, some of those experiences can be so fearful and negative that on a soul level you may have difficulty letting them go, because if you do they may happen again!

And this is the number one reason why negative energy from past experiences may carry over into your present life experiences.

To Heal Your Future You Must First Heal Your Past

Healing your past lives is a very empowering experience, and to heal your future you must first heal your past. I’m repeating that statement just to get the following point across. Because the baggage you carry around inside of your energetic body from all of those past lives literally get stuck inside of your bio-energetic field, and more often than not if not consciously analyzed can cause chaos on an emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical level.

And when this discordant energy becomes lodged in the physical body it may precipitate various health problems as well as trigger emotional trauma.

The most important benefit from past life healing is that you are able to gain incredible insight and clarity about why you feel stuck in certain areas of your life, why you keep repeating the same life patterns over and over again, as well as understanding the nature of significant relationships in your present lifetime.

You Can Release Past Life Agreements

Healing your past lives does not mean that you change the actual events of situations and circumstances that have occurred, nor does it erase them. It is important to remember that your past lives experiences were part of a soul agreement you had before incarnating in that particular lifetime to learn, to grow, and to experience various life lessons you chose to help you accelerate your spiritual wisdom and understanding.

What it does mean however is that you have at your fingertips a powerful tool to help change your perception about those difficult past life events, which will give you a new level of understanding and deeper sense of clarity in regards to those events, as well as how that energy may be spilling over into your current life circumstances.

More importantly, with this new level of understanding and clarity, you now have the ability to consciously choose how you wish to feel about your past.

Of course this statement is not only true of your past life experiences, but also of your experiences in this present lifetime; especially if the past life situations were physically and/or emotionally difficult. Because, just as you are able to clear away any negative emotions associated with a past life experience, you have the same ability to do so with a present life experience.

This gives you the ability to look at any difficult situations in your present life with an objective, and honest perspective; allowing you to see things from a new and empowering point of view.

This reminds me of the quote, “if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

The Benefits of a Past Lives Healing

When you clear and heal a past life trauma, by clearing the negative emotion that is associated with it, it provides you with an opportunity to move forward and free, with freedom instead of fear.

One of the most advantageous benefits of healing your past lives in order to heal your future is that when you heal those experiences that happen to be the source of difficulties you may be experiencing in your current life time, you will allow yourself to truly and finely heal in the way you deserve to, allowing you the abundant health, wealth, and happiness that is your right to have and receive right now.

The bottom line is this. Your Soul has lived many lifetimes and has had many experiences, which means that your past lives are loaded with knowledge for you to glean. Healing your past lives is therefore a gift. Your Soul wants you to know about your past lives, and wants you to consciously realize that no matter how bad an experience may have seemed at the time, that there was value in it for you.

Your Soul also wants you to know you have the ability to move on from the past toward a better future. There is no need or value in continuing to struggle and strive. You deserve a good life. To heal your future you must first heal your past. And understanding your past is one of the things that will get you there, because soul healing is simply part of the journey of becoming whole again and understanding yourself better.

Are you interested in a Past Lives Healing and Clearing? Book a session with me today!


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Have you experienced a past lives healing? Sharing is caring. Let us know your experience by commenting below . . .



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