How to Ask for Angelic Assistance

How to Ask for Angelic Assistance

How to Ask for Angelic Assistance

“I want to get help from the angels Dar, but I just don’t know how!” my friend confided. She was not raised in a spiritual tradition that allowed her to directly ask for spiritual assistance. Perhaps you too are wondering how to ask for angelic assistance.

Asking for help from your guardian angels or archangels is easier than you think. This article will give you five guidelines to supercharge your requests for effective results.

How to Ask for Angelic Assistance

The angels are here to help you navigate through life safely, as well as joyfully. However, with the exception of an emergency situation they can not assist you unless you ask for their help. Infinite Love has created you and I with free will, and will never impose Itself on you.

Universal Law operates on the principle of “asking”. If you do not ask, you will not receive. In the Christian book of John there is a quote attributed to Jesus that says “Ask and it will be given . . .”

How then, do you ask? Is there as certain prayer or formula? Do I have to plead for help or get down on my knees and beg? Do I have to use big, impressive words? Here is my short and sweet answer . . . no.

Here are five effective principles that will teach you how to ask for angelic assistance, and receive optimal help; without any thee’s or thou’s!

Ask from your heart.

Be a straight shooter. Ask for what you need or desire from a heartfelt place. Be honest. After all, if you can’t be honest to God (or whatever you choose to call that Higher Power) who can you be honest with?

Sometimes asking from your heart may be difficult when you are overcome with anxiety, grief, or fear.  Whenever this occurs in my life, and it does at various intervals, I simply state to my spiritual team, “At this time I am not exactly sure how to ask you for help, but thank you for knowing the true desires of my heart.”

Its as simple as that. The point is . . .

“It’s not how you ask that matters. It’s that you ask . . .”

Be specific.

Being specific about what it is that you want, or need assistance with helps the angels put energetic forces in action in your behalf. Do not be generic in requests for help. For example, “keep me safe.” Keep you safe from what or whom? A better request would be, “Keep me and my family safe throughout this difficult situation.”

But it is also possible to get TOO specific – and end up creating blockages for yourself. Being too specific does not limit the the angels from helping you; it limits YOU by creating a preconceived notion in your mind. If your desired object or experience doesn’t fit your preconceived notion, you’ll block receiving it!

Be grateful.

The angels work in conjunction with the Law of Attraction. One of these principles is called the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, that whatever you give out in thought, word, feeling, and action is returned to you. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all about what you give out.

An attitude of gratitude is a very high resonating emotional quality. Gratitude fuels happiness, and is anything and everything you do to put yourself in appreciation for even the teensiest, tiniest aspects of your life.

Take a page out of the playbook of Bob Proctor who teaches to be grateful while you ask the Universe to move in your behalf. Bob always starts his requests with the following: “I am so happy and grateful now that . . .”

Ask it forward.

Asking it forward means to ask as if it is already happening for you, as well as asking as if you are expecting it. Let’s use the statement from the previous principle.

“I am so happy and grateful now that God and the angels are continually moving my family and I quickly and safely from harms way.”

Release it.

Releasing means letting go of how the God and the angels deliver help to you.  Letting go isn’t that you stop asking, but that you cease from being attached to a outcome that you think is most appropriate. The Loving Universe often creates surprising outcomes that provide you with even more than you have asked in the first place!

Your job is to only ask for angelic assistance; the angels job is to deliver that assistance in a way, shape, and form that benefits everyone concerned. If you keep that single principle in mind it will help you trust that Infinite Love always works for your highest and best in all things.

A Sample Prayer Format for Angelic Assistance

“Guardian Angels, Archangels, and Infinite Love, I am so happy and grateful now that God and the angels are continuing to deliver my family and I quickly and safely from harms way. Thank you for working this situation out in the highest, and best way for all concerned. And so it is! Amen!”


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