Unblock your psychic abilities quickly and easily. If you feel like your psychic gifts are either stifled or developing at a snail’s pace, then you’re in the right place. This blog post is designed to help you unblock your psychic abilities and to understand where they came from in the first place.
Intuition; How to Trust Your Gut
Intuition; How to Trust Your Gut
“How do I know if this is a psychic hit, or my just making this up?” As a professional intuitive this is without a doubt, the number one question people ask me. Perhaps, you like me have at one time or another had the same experience. “Is this my intuition or my imagination?” you ask yourself.
So how do you know whether it’s your intuition or your imagination? Fortunately there are concrete telltale signs when your intuition is a true psychic hit or if it’s merely your imagination catering to the outcome you want most.
Why is it Hard to Trust Your Intuition
4 Ways to Energetically Ground Yourself
4 Ways to Energetically Ground Yourself
Grounding is a process of energetically anchoring your body to the earth. Not only does grounding allow you to connect with your spiritual essence, but it also has significant benefits to your physical body and emotional body as well. This blog post shares with your four quick and easy ways to energetically ground yourself.
Are You Claircognizant?
Lost Your Psychic Skills?
Emotional Effects of Mercury in Retrograde
Symptoms of a Psychic Attack
Are you experiencing symptoms of a psychic attack? This blog post will share with you the 3 common symptoms of a psychic attack and what you can do to protect yourself …
How to Spot an Intuitive Moment

How to Spot an Intuitive Moment
Your intuition is always trying to protect you. This means that learning how to spot an intuitive moment is an important skill for learning how to navigate through life with conscious clarity.
But in order to receive clear guidance you need to know how to tune into and capture the information trying to come through. Here’s how . . .
Supercharge Your Clairvoyance
Supercharge Your Clairvoyance
Supercharge your clairvoyance and awaken your third eye with these top tips! Let’s toss out Hollywood movies in which clairvoyance is a predictor of bad omens! Learning to awaken your third eye is easier than you think!