

Unblock Your Psychic Abilities

unblock your psychic abilities

Unblock your psychic abilities quickly and easily. If you feel like your psychic gifts are either stifled or developing at a snail’s pace, then you’re in the right place. This blog post is designed to help you unblock your psychic abilities and to understand where they came from in the first place.

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How to Spot an Intuitive Moment

how to spot an intuitive moment

How to Spot an Intuitive Moment

Your intuition is always trying to protect you. This means that learning how to spot an intuitive moment is an important skill for learning how to navigate through life with conscious clarity.

But in order to receive clear guidance you need to know how to tune into and capture the information trying to come through. Here’s how . . .

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Self Care for Empaths

self care for empaths

Self Care for Empaths; Useful Tips to Keep You Grounded

Now that the recent Mercury Retrograde has ended I felt guided to write a blog post about self care for empaths. The energies of the last Mercury Retrograde affected me on many levels. And I am not alone. Numerous clients reported feeling its effects – especially those who are psychically sensitive.

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