8 Warning Signs from the Angels

8 warning signs from the angels

8 Warning Signs from the Angels

As extensions of the loving Universe, one of the prime functions of the Angels is to warn you of possible danger.

Often these signals are subtle and somewhat annoying ways to get you to stop and to pay attention.

Whether the Angels are signaling you of the possibility of a life-threatening situation, or simply nudging you in the direction of your highest good, one thing is for certain –  you must pay attention!


8 Warning Signs from the Angels

Are the Angels sending you warning signs? Here are 8 common warning signs that the Angels may be trying to get your attention:

1. Unexplainable mechanical failures. Your garage door opener suddenly stops working and you can’t get your car out of the garage. Your brand-new car won’t start. Your alarm clock does not go off, even though you set it the night before.

Unexplainable mechanical failures are one of the most common warning signs that the angels are trying to get your attention. Remarkably enough, once you are out of harm’s way the mechanical issue seems to magically disappear.

2. Hearing a disembodied voice. Years ago I read the account of a man who lived in a very old and poorly wired apartment building. The man had arrived home one evening soaking wet as a result of a severe rain and electrical storm. As he entered his apartment he heard a man’s voice boom, “don’t turn on the lights!”

Thinking someone was in the apartment with him the man’s hand immediately started going for the light switch. But before he reached the switch he heard the man’s voice again command, this time even louder, “don’t turn on the lights!”

Shocked, the man went to the couch, sat down and waited for over an hour in the dark until he was sure that he was alone. The man found out later that lightning had struck the main power generator immediately after he had arrived home.

If he had turned on the light he would’ve been electrocuted. If you hear a disembodied voice say: Stop! Turn! Look out! And other similar commands heed the advice. It can very much save your life.

3. Sudden illnesses. You wake up with the stomach flu, a fever, sore throat, or other similar illness. Several accounts from families of 911 victim’s state that their loved ones woke up with sudden illnesses such as those depicted above and ignored them.

One account mentions a man who woke up with an extreme case of vertigo. Being a rather healthy male he ignored his symptoms and decided to go to work anyways despite his wife’s plea to stay home and rest.

Similar stories have been documented by individuals who had worked in the twin towers waking up not feeling well, but instead chose to stay home from work.

4. Dreams and premonitions. Dreaming of an event prior to it happening – such as an automobile or plane accident, or having a strong premonition that something “bad” is going to happen.

Many survivors of airplane crashes report having had nightmares a few weeks to a day before their flights which were traumatic enough for them to either cancel or no show for their flights.

Premonitions can also cause anxiety due to the strong inner knowing that you may be in danger if you do, or don’t, do something.

A good rule of thumb to follow whenever you have such an emotionally charged dream or premonition is to pay attention to it. This is another common early warning signal from God and the Angels.

5. An uncomfortable feeling in your gut. This could range from a queasy feeling in your stomach to a general creeped out feeling. I’ve had both in a recent ghost hunt while approaching a certain room at our investigation site. Suddenly I had a deep sinking feeling in my gut, followed by a general sense of creepiness. I immediately responded by asking my spiritual team for additional protection, as well as shielding myself in love and light.

6. Losing your keys. This is a very common and annoying early warning signal. I once had a special tray on my kitchen counter where I kept my car keys. I was very diligent in making sure that I placed my keys in the tray every night when I returned home from work.

One morning as I went to grab my keys to head out on my daily commute my keys were not in the tray. I lived alone at the time and swore that I placed him in the tray the prior night. I looked everywhere inside my apartment and could not figure out what I had done with them.

Finally, thinking that maybe I had left them in my car I went out to check. My car was locked. What was even more perplexing is that when I arrived back inside my apartment my car keys were back in the tray!

I was now 20 minutes late on my commute route, so I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. When I got to the highway entrance I noticed that the traffic was being diverted away from the ramp. About 20 minutes earlier a crane had tipped crushing three cars under it as it did so.

So now whenever the “loving key gremlins” snatch my keys, I give myself permission to either be late to my destination or to allow myself to reschedule for another day.

7. Strange delays. Auto accidents slowing down your commute to work, school, or other destinations. A warning panel light in your car that comes on prompting you to pull to the side of the road. A bus or train that is off schedule. Canceled flights. Sudden inclement weather. The Angels used delay tactics such as these to slow you down and get your undivided attention.

8. Warnings from other people. Someone discourages you from taking a certain route. Someone presents you with misgivings about your new boyfriend or girlfriend. Urgings to stay home from a loved one.

The Angels often use other people to warn you of possible dangers; whether it be from friends and family, or that from strangers.

More often than not you will receive several warnings from different sources. Do yourself a favor and heed those warnings! Your life and someone else’s may depend on it.


7 Signs of Your Angels Presence

4 Things Your Guardian Angels Want You to Know

Do you have any Angel warning signals you’d like to share? Or, did you enjoy this article? Let us know by commenting below.


    1. I am very proud of you Agnes for tuning into your dreams for the messages of love and protection your Angelic Team is trying to impart to you. And yes . . . you are very blessed indeed! Love and Light to you and yours . . . hugs!

    2. I was walking on a roof 4 stories up looking for a steam line I was going to tie into. This roof only had a yellow walkway painted ( no handrail). As I was walking the perimeter of the roof the steam line had vented and I was immediately in a fog of steam, but I kept walking. All of a sudden my co-worker who was with me yelled STOP! He was 50 feet away from me when he yelled. When I heard this, I immediately stoped. My foot was 3 inches from the edge of the the roof. I slowly had to back up because I was getting dizzy by looking down. I asked my co-worker and he said something came over him to yell STOP. I’m so grateful I didn’t die that day.

  1. My electric kettle stopped working tonight. Then hours later as I got a pot out to boil water on the gas it started working again! I had checked all switches and they ok. Then as I got into bed I heard a click. The internet went out, some bedside lights, and the house alarm. I went to check and the main fuse had clicked out. I’ve been very emotional tonight about losing my parents and over how some family members are treating me.

  2. I’ve had beeping 2 nights in a row now.
    Last night just before midnight the electric fence wouldn’t stop beeping eventually we had to disconnect the panel in my bedroom
    Tonight my sons formula machine wouldn’t work and too was beeping. Also just before 12am.
    I don’t believe in coincidences.
    Then shortly after i saw i snake in my dining room area.
    Are these warnings to me which i feel are. But what are they warning me about?Any ideas ?

    1. Wow interesting. The metaphysical meaning of the snake is about “metamorphosis”. When the snake sheds its old skin it represents a cycle of endings making room for new beginnings. This is the beginning of a new year. Perhaps your angels are bringing to your attention a need to let go of something that no longer serves your highest and best good so that you can embrace something new and beautiful in its place? If so, then the signs that have presented themselves to you mean that you are ready and capable to make the changes you need in a loving way that blesses you as well as everyone connected to that thing or situation.

  3. I accompanied my husband to the GP. Whilst waiting for him I was drawn to the blood pressure machine.I got an extraordinary high reading.The pharmacist was so concerned he sent me straight to the Doctor.The Doctor immediately gave me some medication and asked to see me the next day.On that visit he prescribed medication checked my blood pressure and asked to see me in a week.At this appointment he told me things had settled down.He then went on to explain that he had given me that medication that first night,as I could have had a bleed without it.It is truly my belief that my Angel guided me that night,without her guidance I would probably be dead now.Its the onle explanation I can think of I had no syptoms,yet I went on that machine,Amazing.

    1. I have heard hundreds of stories such as yours – and I agree! I believe your Angel’s guided you! I am very proud of you for being tuned in and listening to their guidance. Many Blessings to you . . .

  4. All morning I’ve had a song play over and over in my head. But the words are really sad… I can’t block it out as much as I try. I don’t know what to think.

  5. What does it mean when you hear ringing in your left ears and what would the Angels be warning you from

    1. Thank you for your question. Ringing in your ear(s) may be sign that your clairaudience is opening up (psychic sense of hearing) or that your spiritual guides, angels or a spirit is trying to communicate with you. Some people also experience that spiritual phenomena as whispering in the ear, and you might notice a difference between the left and right ear. For example, some psychic mediums will say that clairaudient sounds coming through one particular ear (such as the left) are a guide, and the other ear (such as the right) is a spirit – and that is how they discern the difference. So it is really something to consider and experiment with.

  6. I woke up this morning (still in the half dream/half wake state) to a tall man standing over my bed. He was showing me a watch and saying “times up.” I feel like he was an ancestor – 1930s dress and he felt familiar. I’m a big believer in spiritual signs but this one scared me. It was so matter of fact. Any ideas on how to interpret (that don’t involve my sudden death – I spook easily 🙂 ?

    1. The Angels only resonate Love and as such may have been urging you to some inner spiritual cleansing. Dreaming of an antique watch or a watch that was given to you by an ancestor many times indicates that there are some issues in your past that need to be addressed. Perhaps your Angels are trying to provide you with guidance on clearing up the past so that your present can be more empowering and free and clear of any past emotional baggage that no longer serves you. This would be a good thing to journal about. Blessings . . .

    2. I have “Lost” several things all within days of each other. Bank lost a wire transfer, I ordered A new bed and it’s now lost in transit, we ordered a new car and the dealership has no idea when to expect it as it is already a week over due and they are trying to locate it and more things just like this. It is literally happening so many times in succession I cannot Help but think there is some kind of message attached to all of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

      1. I apologize for my late reply, and I hope that things are back to normal for you. There are a few things that came to my mind that you may consider. The first is the Uranus Retrograde. It can at times make you feel like you have been shook up in a bottle and poured out upside down! Your best bet to investigate this potential energetic culprit is to Google Uranus Retrograde 2019. The other thing is to remember that ‘as within, so without’. Perhaps there is a part of you that is feeling lost in an area of life, and your Spiritual Team is trying to get your attention? This would be a valuable thing for you to prayerfully journal about and see what types of insights pop up for you. Blessings, Love, and Light . . .

  7. Today was strange after school run I lost my house key finally found it.went on with my morning as normal. After lunch I took my dog a walk came home no house key in my pocket retraced my steps found my key again. At the point I thought something telling me not to go home. Carry on with my day finally after I put I had a shower went dry my hair in kitchen when I finally realised I’ve left my iron on all day. I sure someone was trying to worn me or danger. Always feel I have someone watching over me.

  8. Anytime I look at my clock these days I have been constantly seeing the number 11:11 I am so confused because I lost my mom a few months back now and I have been asking for something special from God
    Could this be a warning sign?
    Pls help me

    1. In numerology the number 11 is a master number. When you see it doubled, such as 11:11 it signifies insight, intuition, and enlightenment. When you see this number repeatedly it refers to spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps Infinite Love and the Angels have been gently making you aware that your Mothers return ‘home’ has helped to perpetuate your spiritual growth and understanding. Love you . . . xo

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