Signs Your Psychic Abilities are Awakening

signs your psychic abilities are awakening

Signs Your Psychic Abilities are Awakening

Your psychic abilities can activate at any stage of your life. So it pays to pay attention! Here are 7 signs your psychic abilities are awakening.

signs your psychic abilities are awakening

Anything Can Trigger Psychic Awakening

Many things can trigger psychic awakening. Each individual is different. For some it may be a near death experience, while for others it may be as simple as a decision to tune into and develop your intuitive senses.

Regardless of what activates your inner knowing, you must be aware of the various symbols and signs that your intuitive senses are in the flowering stage.

So here are some signs to pay attention to that reveals that your psychic abilities are opening up:

Signs Your Psychic Abilities are Awakening

1. You’re more tuned in to spiritual wisdom.

Suddenly spiritual wisdom just makes sense to you. You begin to get it and understand from a newer and deeper level than you have before.

You discover how to embrace your spiritual unfolding and your excited about it. You begin to recognize and shed the layers of unproductive beliefs and you become more and more passionate about spirituality.

You may even feel the presence of Infinite Love, your Guardian Angels, and your Spirit Guides around you more.

2. You are more sensitive to the energy around you.

When your psychic abilities are in full bloom you begin to remove yourself from the people, places and things that somehow no longer feels right for you.

You find yourself avoiding drama and strife because it no longer resonates with you. It’s just plain yucky!

This is particularly true for those who are empaths or clairsentients who can feel the emotions of others, but it also applies to those who have other psychic abilities as well.

On a more positive energetic note, you can also feel when someone has an amazing soul as well as beautiful energy!

3. You are more physically sensitive to certain stimuli.

This is one of the signs your psychic senses are awakening that many of my clients report to me. As your psychic abilities expand, you may begin to notice that your physical senses such as hearing, your vision, your taste, your smell, etc., becomes heightened too.

More often than not, the reason for this is because your “clairs”, such as clairsentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, and clairaudience, are being brought to the forefront.  How cool is that?

Here’s some examples of being sensitive to physical stimuli: loud voices, noises, and the TV can really annoy you. Or, perhaps you notice that your vision seems to be brighter, clearer, and that you seem to have more visual depth.

Or perhaps your taste buds or sense of smell seems to be on overdrive!

4. You notice intuitive signs and synchronicities everywhere.

It may seem like Divine Guidance is everywhere! You may be getting tons of “signs” that you can’t ignore. You find that the Universe has seemed to open the windows of heaven and that you are being gently led to the people, places, things, and resources you need.

Life seems to be on your side and is magical. This is when you really feel your intuition opening up!

5. You may feel sensations in your third eye.

Your third eye is also known and your psychic eye. This area is associated with the psychic ability of clairvoyance, or the ability to receive psychic information with pictures and images.

When this center is being exercised and opening up you may feel pressure or tingling between your eyebrows.

This is a normal and common occurrence and is nothing to be overly concerned about. It just means that your psychic sense of seeing is being strengthened.

6. Your nighttime dreams become more vivid.

When you sleep your conscious, logical mind goes to sleep too. The conscious mind acts as the sentry to the subconscious mind.

However, when you go to sleep your higher levels of awareness can communicate with you without interference.

Vivid dreams are a wonderful, and fun sign that your psychic knowing is expanding and growing.

Consider starting a dream journal and record your dreams to see if there is a spiritual or prophetic message that your higher awareness or your angels or spirit guides are trying to convey to you.

7. Your social circles change.

As you become more spiritually aware you may notice that core friendships seem to shift and change. Some friendships become stronger, while some just seem to fade away.

You begin to lose interest in friendships that are imbued with low energy talk and/or activities that you no longer wish to engage in.

Instead you begin to yearn for, and associate with people who resonate with your new passions, focus, and beliefs. Your excited about developing more supportive relationships, as well as meaningful conversation.

Congratulations on your emerging psychic path! Continue to use these 6 signs your psychic abilities are awakening as a guide towards your intuitive unfoldment, and above all have fun while you do so!


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