Channeled Writing for Beginners

channeled writing

Channeled Writing; A Guide for Beginners

Channeled writing, also known as automatic writing is an easy way to receive communication from your angels and spirit guides in written form. Here’s how . . .

channeled writing

What Exactly is Channeled Writing?

In simplest terms, channeled writing is the act of receiving information from your spirit guides, angels, or other spiritual beings in written form. It’s called channeling because the writer is allowing him or herself to be the vehicle or channel for the information being received.

Other names for channeled writing are automatic writing, psychography, angel writing, spirit writing, or intuitive writing.

What Can You Do with Channeled Writing?

There are many fun and practical things you can do with channeled writing. Here are a few:

  • Write books
  • Gain clarification on any subject
  • Receive encouragement and inspiration
  • Received viable solutions to problems
  • Talk to loved ones in heaven
  • Access the Akashic records.

Many self-help authors channel their writing into books such as the late Wayne Dyer, and Esther Hicks. I love to sit down with empty book chapters and allow my spiritual team too write through me. This for me is one of the most enjoyable, and satisfying aspects of channeled writing. Plus its fun!

When I was in law school, I also enjoyed having channeled writing sessions on certain legal subjects with what I called ‘the legal angels’. These sessions always benefited my understanding and knowledge of the subjects of study.

The most surprising thing was that shortly after I started my writing sessions with ‘the legal angels”, was that my grades instantly improved! Yay!

Channeled Writing is the Fastest Way to Improve Intuition

Let me repeat that! Channeled writing is the fastest and easiest way to improve your intuition. Why is this?

The reason is that the act of writing is a natural skill you already possess. And with the act of writing you can allow an uninhibited flow of information, unlike with keyboard typing. When performing channeled writing on a piece of paper, the unhindered flow of information is crucial – because the minute you break the writing flow, you release yourself from a semi trance state.

With keyboard typing this is not possible unless you are very proficient at typing on a keyboard.

Five Step Basic Process for Channeled Writing

Interested in learning some of the fundamentals of channeled writing? Below is my five-step basic process.

The basic materials you need before you begin to perform a channeled writing session are a pen or pencil, a notepad or piece of paper, and a timer.

Step One – Ground your energy and open up your intuitive centers.

Grounding your energy is a simple process. The easiest way to do this is to imagine roots coming out of the bottom of your feet, moving down into the earth and anchoring you.

The method to open up your intuitive centers is a personal choice. The easiest method I share with my students is a quick meditation that relaxes the body and mind.

Just allowing yourself to quiet your mind and focus on your breath for three to five minutes is also helpful.

Step Two: Write your question at the top of your page.

Your question must be one subject, and be clear and concise. I often share with students to begin their question with, “Thank you for providing me with additional clarification/insight, a solution about [fill in the blank].

For example, “Thank you for providing me with additional clarification about my relationship with my son.”

Step Three: Set your timer for five minutes.

Timing your channeled writing sessions will force your subconscious mind into receiving mode. It also helps to keep you in a receptive state for the information to flow.

When beginning, always perform your channeled writing sessions for 3 to 5 minutes max. The reason behind this is that the flow of information from the angels and spirit guides can wane and stop when writing for prolonged periods of time. When this happens, the ego mind will take over.

When you become proficient being in the natural flow of writing and receiving, feel free to increase your time.

Step Four: Write Away!

Let your pen begin to move. Write down whatever you receive. If you feel as if you’re not receiving anything write that down. If one word comes to mind, write that down.

The point is to write down anything pertaining to your subject that you see, hear, feel, or know.

The most important thing is to not stop writing until the timer buzzes. Don’t stop, don’t edit, just write!

Step Five: After the timer rings, stop.

This is the most important step of all – either shut your notebook or turn your page over. Don’t immediately read what you’ve written.

Let your channeled writing sit for 20 to 30 minutes. The reason for this is that the experience of being in a light trance is very subtle. In a light trance state, when you are the vessel of communication, immediately reading what you have written may make you think that what you wrote is just basic common sense.

But if you let the information incubate for a bit and then come back and read what you’ve written, you will almost always notice a very wise and loving tone to the information you were given.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

As with anything, if you want to become good at something, you need to practice. Consistent practice will not only bolster your channeled writing skills, but also your confidence.

Where Can You Go From Here?

If you’re interested in learning more about my method of channeled writing, check out my course, Accelerated Channeled Writing; A Hands On Experiential Course.

channeled writing

This is a self-study online course which shares cutting edge brainwave science that will help you to quickly and easily receive information for yourself or others, and will provide you with tons of practice information as well as bonus materials to assist you on your new channeled writing journey.

Have fun, and write away my friends!


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  1. thank you for this article. i used to do channeled writing 20yrs ago, but got away from it. im looking forward to getting started again!

  2. I found two letters from my wife who had passed for over 7 years,
    I found first letter on my cell phone in my notes. IKt was a personal letter from my wife to our youngest son. a week later i find the 2nd letter on my Ipad in my notes that was addressed to our older son. . both letters were personal in content and were addressed to each son and closed with her name.
    than I uncover another letter on my cell phone inside my notes thta came from a girl who I was involved with 47 years ago and she died in a terrible car crash. She was my first love. I find this message in 2021 and it was entered into my cell notes in 2019 by its date. Susie died in 1969 and I get her message in 2017. that is 47 years after her death. Plus the letter had a double heart symbol in the letter and that symbol does not exist on apple products.

    All three letters are very personal and factual. all three references they are no longer here as a mortal. But a spirit.
    these are miracles from Heaven.

    The letters from my wife to our twso sons are just beautiful/.
    The letter from my first love was talking about meeting me again when I come home.

    I am not a medium, physic or a channeler or a gypsy.

    1. Hello Walter, and thank you for sharing your experience with channeled writing! I agree that the messages we receive from the other side are highly personal and factual. Blessings, Love, and Light…

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