Aura Cleansing Bath Ritual

aura cleansing bath

Aura Cleansing Bath Ritual with Archangel Raphael

Make your aura sparkle with an Aura Cleansing Bath Ritual. A relaxing and enjoyable way to revive your body, mind, and soul.

aura cleansing bath

Why You Need to Keep Your Aura Vibrant

An aura cleansing bath? Yup. Just the thought of a hot, bubbly bath relaxes me. The kids . . . the dog . . . Calgon take me away!

OK, I think I just dated myself with the retro Calgon Bath Powder reference. But really, you don’t need an excuse to luxuriate in a hot bath.

A hot bath has one often overlooked perk. And that is the cleansing of your etheric body, also known as your aura. Aura cleansing baths soothe and restore your aura to soothe causing it to sparkle like diamonds in the sunlight.

Lets face it. You and I are surrounded by, and interact with energy everywhere. And whether or not a person is conscious of it, this energy can and will permeate your etheric body.

I call this type of etheric debris, “etheric dust”. Icky right? If you are not careful the energy debris you absorb during the day can weigh down on you and cause physical, mental, and even emotional chaos.

Cleansing your aura on a regular basis helps to reset your etheric body, and more importantly to help you see things from a bright shiny new perspective.

If you sage smudge your home, picture an aura cleansing bath as a “sage smudging for your aura!”

And, just like when you’re done smudging your house, everything feels so much more fresh, light and airy when you’re done with your aura cleansing bath!

Signs you need an aura cleansing bath:

  • You’re feeling mentally, emotionally and/or physically drained
  • You feel overstimulated
  • Constant tiredness
  • Feelings of overwhelm
  • Feeling withdrawn

Aura Cleansing Bath Ritual with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is particularly concerned with keeping your spiritual, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies strong and vibrant. This ritual is a fun, relaxing, and more importantly vital way to keep your aura shiny and clean.

What you need:

  • A bathtub full of hot water – as hot as you can stand.
  • Archangel Raphael Aura Cleansing Bath Salt [Click here for the recipe]
  • A white candle (optional but it really helps to create a sacred atmosphere)
  • Frankincense Incense (optional)

Pre-Ritual Aura Cleansing Bath Prep:

Private time alone. You will need a minimum of 20 minutes for this bath ritual. No cell phones or computer devices please! You are creating sacred space. Also, make sure you will not be disturbed by family and pets. Hint: Lock the bathroom door!

Set a clear intention. As with all Universal workings – you need to set a clear intention before you begin. In this case the intention is to refresh and revitalize your aura.

Light your candle and incense. The white candle is symbolic of freshness and purity and the Frankincense holds the wisdom of the Universe. Burning it as incense calls upon angelic protection and spiritual enlightenment. It has power to cut cords from the negative past and connect you to your divine self. It keeps you grounded.

Aura Cleansing Bath Ritual:

Step into the tub and get comfortable. Give yourself a few minutes to acclimate to the hot water.

As you soak, imagine the water molecules soaking up and absorbing all negative energy, and restoring your entire aura to its bright sparking state.

When you are ready, repeat the following prayer to Archangel Raphael:

“Archangel Raphael, thank you for cleansing, clearing, and balancing my aura to its natural, vibrant state. I choose now to release and let go of all dissonant energy from my energy body, and receive and allow your energetic healing right now. Thank you! And so it is! Amen!”

As you continue to luxuriate in the hot bath visualize yourself surrounded by pure, white light. This is Divine Light. Relax and allow the white light to soothe, comfort, and clear you.

When you feel ready, emerge from the bath and towel off.

After your aura cleansing bath, shower yourself with some additional TLC. Wear some comfy sweats or PJ’s and drink some water, or a cup of rejuvenating herbal tea.

This aura cleansing bath ritual can be performed as often as you feel necessary. But I promise one thing . . . you will want to do it again! It feels that amazing afterwards! Enjoy!


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